
  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Pokemon in the forum Discussion 8 months ago

    Is it possible for the captive Mewtwo to escape? It seems that once he was used by Giovanni, so he is one to watch as well!
    Nexus won’t host content for Palworld. The level of hubbub in controversy is sacling up, there’s the question of ripoff, do you think that’s fair?

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 8 months ago

    The Children Act is a classy piece bringing to sharp relief the folly of adhering to rules of religion, and, spoiler alert, it has a rather depressing outcome.
    OTOH, the opposite effect tonight after the screening of Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, a cracking cast and script (highlights).

    The extra…[Read more]

  • Might be best to consider open source alternatives like Omnivore or Wallabag where there’s a facility to port data over. How big is your database? Some cross platform rtf files can have a tendency to bloat – is it possible to convert them to something else?
    Not quite the same thing though – certain sites which provide personal favourite sections -…[Read more]

  • I need a new way to keep track of articles that are of interest. I had been using Pocket but they made some changes under the hood so it’s now extremely slow on mobile (sometimes it takes over ten minutes to launch if it does at all). Any ideas? Been saving things as bookmarks but that quickly gets out of hand. 😛

    Still need to sift through them…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 8 months ago

    Twice Dead was a fun one, if a tad slow. Usual horror plot holes but the acting was surprisingly good!

    Yeah, I skipped Year One as it looked a bit silly 😛

    Ooh, Donovan’s Brain looks right up my alley. Really do like those types of films. Speaking of, I still need to rewatch the Brain that Wouldn’t Die. That was a fun one!

    Yeah, we can add the…[Read more]

  • if we moved posts back to the beginning of the forums era, it would be like having Windows 98 books on the shelf.

    I strongly disagree! Even old content like that can be useful. Often, Microsoft removes documentation for features that still exist but not used very much. Also, there are a lot of features they don’t document at all. It’s also…[Read more]

  • Checked the IA for the time, no dice – even posted the links to them, the only response was from our ever present friend Mr. Nokandu.
    At first spec FindMyPast has quite a few nice features albeit somewhat intrusive, did a search for a name on their site while logged on, and promptly in came an email entitled ” We’ve discovered something just for…[Read more]

  • 🙁 The Internet Archive may have some of them!

    Yeah, old records like that are generally free if digitized. If not digitized yet, there’s usually a very small fee for tracking them down (small as in 5 USD or about 1 GBP) with the alternative being to go to the Hall of Records. I do wonder if I can track down some of my ancestors. Some of them did…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 8 months ago

    Remember well the Ripping Yarns a hoot when they were first released:

    Another dose of Portlandia for good…[Read more]

  • The forums migration at CPanel still burns hot in some memories, the post formats were not carried through in every case, and a few posts that were made around the time of migration were lost forever!
    Signing up with FindMyPast probably won’t help as much as desired, even with a subscription. Their free services include:

    1881 England, Wales &…

    [Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Films & TV Shows in the forum Discussion 8 months ago

    The series currently screamed is Bang!, comes with a slow burning drag on for a bit too long kind of vibe, watchable though. There is a bug in the streaming channel where the option for (English) subscripts doesn’t work if there is multilingual content, fortunately there is not a lot of (English) mumbling so we are good.
    The critics were rather…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 8 months ago

    And the Mouse on the Shelf could also be useful!

    Their website is still using old share links? Cool! They don’t go searching for Bigfoot. Pretty sure that’s the realm of cryptozoologists, though 😛

    Kind of surprised the organization wasn’t featured in The X-Files. If it was, I missed it. Probably should watch the series again, anyhow. 🙂 Didn’t…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 8 months, 1 week ago

    A name for the mouse? Heck no, these might come in handy for a list later: The mouse fairy, Tydium Night-rat, Mouse-in-pad, De-tail E-lab-o-rat, House of Shining Rodients!
    These days they won’t need to, as there is a webpage. Is there life after death, and was there life before 1937?
    Talking of the out-there and mysterious, someone posted an SCP…[Read more]

  • Good way to populate a flea circus, though! Always good to have a flea market around 😀

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 8 months, 1 week ago

    My grandfather used to say that he felt that the psychics didn’t need signs telling them about their annual meeting 😛

  • Well, a disco ball would go perfect in the Falcon! 😀

    I think I’ve seen some similar films that used disco for the soundtrack. It was pretty fun in a campy sort of way

    The original three films felt like they were being made up as they went along. All of the later prequels and sequels had to retcon so many things 😛

    Yeah, the first Vacation film…[Read more]

  • 😀 So I went to the markets to purchase a second hand pet. A sign in the stall said, “Buy one, get one flea,” another sign said “Flea bargaining permitted”, another said “An itch in time will save you mine”. The betting stall opposite had a sign “No scratchings” which did not ease the oncoming pruritus.

  • 😛 New tech innovations = New square pegs for old round holes!

    There was always something about the whole Star Wars brand that came across as rather dinky, if not hokey. Might have been the overplay of the disco version of the theme at the time:

    It was all right as far as disco-dent themes go, the…[Read more]

  • Yeah, my mom complains about the image quality all the time! 😛

    Yeah, we had similar migration issues with IPS 4 back at DC but, with a much smaller site, it was much easier to work through the issues. Not everything converted nicely but uploads being down is a big problem!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 8 months, 1 week ago

    Got my subscription to Nature! First issue should arrive in the next couple of weeks and then I’ll be getting an issue a week!

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