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  • in reply to: Duplicate Post Removal #272

    I’d like to know how we’re at 268 when we don’t have that many posts. 😛

    Yeah, on TAL, it would have required more work than it was worth to reset the numbering after the several database imports so we decided against it. That didn’t stop us from considering it from time to time, though. 😛

    in reply to: No Post Previews #271

    Hopefully they’ll get it worked on soon! There is an official plugin to add the previous post editor back into WordPress, maybe that will be helpful?

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #270

    Caught Sleepaway Camp the other day and that was fun. Got Slumber Party Massacre on the docket for this weekend. It’s been on the watchlist for twenty years! 😛

    in reply to: SSL Concerns #266

    Yay! We’re back! Sorry! Google changed Chrome at some point so I was no longer able to override the block. Used to be under Advance but didn’t show up.

    in reply to: MS Teams Biz #262


    Yeah, we’re going to need to ask for help again. Sorry, I’ve always been terrible at this sort of thing.

    in reply to: Random #257


    Yep! I really do enjoy picking up my comic books in the shop. Sometimes we start up on general conversation regarding various plot points or even some of the social groups I try to organize. 🙂

    Sorry! Meant Action Comics. The login session had reset while I was typing it up so I had to rush and type it back in as close as I could remember the words. Seems I forgot to finish the title 😛

    Batman 900/135 was a lot of fun! Not much plot but it was a delightful romp through Batman history with The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, and even Adam West making appearances and more!

    Looks interesting, will add it to the list! 2015 would be recent for most of the stuff I watch. I’m a big fan of the 80s for some reason. 😛

    Got Alan Partridge on the watchlist! May sneak in a viewing today or the weekend!

    Been reading the Potter books again and they differ from the films in some important ways. For instance, in the fourth story during the first task, the film has Harry avoiding magic as he’s feeling self-conscious about how he doesn’t belong in the tournament. In the book, however, he doesn’t really care and just starts right off by summoning the broom. The distinction is important as it greatly changes his characterization!

    in reply to: Plugins #256

    Hope it’s alright but I’ve enabled it. Feel free to disable it if I made an oopsie 🙂

    It’s got a lot of settings so it’ll take some time to sort through and see how useful it’ll be. It may be that we don’t actually need it after all! 🙂

    in reply to: MS Teams Biz #255

    I’ve disabled the defaults setting for now. Care to try again? Let me know when finished so I can flip the setting back on 🙂

    in reply to: MS Teams Biz #243

    Sure! 🙂

    Sorry, been slow and haven’t had the chance to look much at it. Very busy!

    I will try and copy over some of my posts from Teams in the meantime. Anything specific you’d like me to copy over? Will try to look at that stuff soon!

    in reply to: No Post Previews #241

    It’s not a theme problem (switched to a different theme and no luck) and the bbPress docs aren’t much help. They say that the advanced post editor should be in both the dashboard and the forums but they may have been written for an older version of WordPress :/

    in reply to: Random #239

    Got it on the porch! 😀 I do need to clean it up a bit. It got a bit muddy while being moved on account of the weather 😛

    It only shot them about a foot but we did have fun chasing them down the hill. Blowing bubbles is an idea! One thought I was playing with was a small audio recording and having it go bang periodically but that may not go over all that well 😛

    Vintage ads can be fun! My dad used to record a lot of stuff in the 80s and it was quite fun to see what they were advertising decades later. Lots of M&M ads around the holidays! 😛

    Have you thought about a print subscription? They are able to fulfill international subscriptions but do charge a slight premium. It worked pretty well for me with Batman even though the issues got a bit banged up at times during shipping. Only reason I cancelled the subscription and went local was due to them having trouble filling the subscriptions during the pandemic but I was still able to get them at the local shop without issue.

    I may drop Action for Power Girl but we shall see!

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #235

    Could try writing, certainly. Had some good success with Rocky last year before life went kind of haywire (without the horses of course). Will see if inspiration strikes me! But hopefully not too hard. Flying inspiration could be dangerous. Bombs away? Well, hopefully inspiration doesn’t bomb but sparks instead. Why yes, I am having fun with wordplay here 😀

    Been working on self esteem too. Feeling much better after focusing more on personal care lately 🙂

    The bookstore didn’t have the rest in the series so I’ll check the library. They did have a boxed set sitting in a center island that looked interesting, another space opera series. Didn’t see it until I was leaving so I’ll need to go back and take a closer look at it. All these good books, especially science fiction, are doing wonders!

    in reply to: Random #234

    I now have a cannon: 😀

    My grandfather used to shoot tennis balls out of it using a fire cracker 😛

    I really miss ads on TV for book releases. I found them quite handy! Now they’re playing ads for pop music albums instead 🙁

    Ooh, Power Girl is getting a solo comic book series in September. Could be fun!

    in reply to: Hardware Relics #233

    Sorry! Missed this!

    Don’t have any relics over here but my mom has an ancient typewriter she picked up somewhere just cause she thought it was cool. It currently lives in her shed 😛

    in reply to: Styles #232

    Those are the sources for my wall art! Big fan of having nebula pictures on the wall 😀

    Will do! I’m also thinking it may be nice to adjust the transparency of the blocks so that the background can be seen behind them. It’ll make more sense with a sample! I’m terrible at descriptions 😛

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #231

    Looks good!

    Too bad about the smilies. 🙁

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #215

    Sure, sounds good to me. Was different on Teams where we couldn’t reorganize topics later but we’ve got a move function here. I was mostly just copying the Teams structure 🙂

    An idea for the future if we get enough posts is utilizing categories and subforums but we’ll get there!

    in reply to: No Post Previews #214

    Done some looking and it looks like bbPress has that feature after all, just not from the editor in the forum view. The preview feature is in the admin center under the topics area, along with a more advanced editor. I didn’t see a plugin or setting to bring these features to the main area here, though, but there may be a tweak mentioned in the docs. Will look!

    in reply to: Styles #206

    If we want to go with a spacey background at some point, there are a lot of good options to choose from 🙂

    in reply to: WordPress Login Lockout #205

    Yep, that’s the Apache server. 🙂

    Sorry! A few weeks ago, we were discussing how boring Jack was in Teams 😛

    And got it up along with a few threads!

    May want to rearrange the forums at some point. They’re getting a bit gangly 😛

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