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  • in reply to: Styles #2767

    Okay, I think I got everything in the user facing group settings and profiles now. If so, I should be done with the forum side of things unless you catch anything I missed. Borders look weird but Iโ€™ll come back to those.

    We also may want to change some of the font colors. I wasn’t sure of some of them like the grey text but, if it’s hard to read, I can try to change it as well. My eyes see grey best, though, so I’m not a good candidate for analyzing it. ๐Ÿ˜›

    in reply to: Random #2762

    Here’s an interesting idea for an experiment:

    Plug a generative AI extension into a blog and set it to output articles based on random input (source yet to be thought of) and set it to run periodically, mimicking an actual writer. The idea would be to see how weird things get over time. ๐Ÿ˜›

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2759

    Haven’t tried it on mine yet. I really should as I’ve had it for a year now. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Do have a few programs that take advantage of it, such as Hogwarts Legacy, so it may be worth giving it a whirl. ๐Ÿ™‚

    For Oblivion, make sure you don’t forget that you can’t use HDR with another setting (been so long that I can’t remember the conflict but I think it has to do with anti aliasing?). You need to turn HDR on in the driver setting (or vice versa, depending on which driver overrides you want to use) for the game in order to use both.

    in reply to: Styles #2758

    Got the forms in the profile settings. Used the class .standard-forrm instead of the ID for the form type so if there are any oddities, holler and I’ll swap it out for the more selective option.

    Working on the input fields. I could manually use each input type but I’m looking to see if there’s a more generic way of doing it for better readability. Early research says that there isn’t, which makes me sad.

    in reply to: Walrus Ramblings #2756

    Another domain increase goes into effect on September. It’s going up to 13 USD. Really getting tiresome. ๐Ÿ™

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2755

    And we’re back! Had a tropical storm pop up suddenly so I had to unplug everything last night. Good thing, too, as the lights were flickering a lot. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Never lost power, though, and very little wind. However! We did get one to two feet of rain. We’re fine! No flooding and very little clean up. ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2751

    One of our local card game players has turned into a jerk since starting to play competitively a couple of months ago. He doesn’t like my play style or choice of deck and just keeps bashing it whenever he sees me playing it. He even went as far as asking why I was still playing that “trash” yesterday. I told him in a tone that conveyed back off, “Because I like it.” He then went on to talk to some other folks about how bad he thought it was. I’m going to talk to the rest of the group about him. He’s starting to go too far and it’s time to stop it.

    Fun fact: I have won about 80% of the games with this so called “trash deck”. I don’t play competitively, which also annoys him. I just play for fun. /shrug

    Another fun fact: despite that, I still beat the competitive decks even if I don’t care about winning.

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2750

    Good to see that the community is trying to take it over. I wonder if they’ll get permission to continue printing it? I do remember it from when it was active but not very well. Mostly, I remember seeing the product on store shelves.

    WotC recently integrated LotR into MTG with great success. Perhaps that will help give it a future?

    in reply to: Hardware Relics #2746

    Thanks. Will keep that in mind! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I suppose I could also replace the keycaps periodically but that’d get kind of annoying ๐Ÿ˜›

    Went ahead and retired the three Dell monitors last year. Still have them in the closet but I don’t use them now as the panels had some color issues. Kind of miss 16:10 though.

    Yeah, integrated drivers can sometimes be limited in that regard. Granted, I rarely tweak the settings so I don’t have much experience with it ๐Ÿ˜›

    in reply to: Styles #2745

    Will do. I’ll probably have both active so that we can look to see what we like better. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Get a tourniquet! Or even a turkey net! One of them has got to work for border bleeds! We could also cauterize the wound with a tomcat. Tom the cat may find it fun.

    in reply to: Styles #2742

    bbPress has multiple themes? Interesting that they didn’t include those options in the settings. Maybe they’re leftovers?

    Still want to add borders to make things bleed a little less. Should we go with white or the darker color that we’re using for various things?

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2741

    Yep, remember Merlin. Only caught the first couple of episodes, though, before school got in the way. Really need to rewatch it in full at some point. Interesting that they named the Lady of the Lake Freya. Freyja. Freyja was the Nordic deity of sex and foresight.

    Saw The Nesting yesterday. As far as ghost stories go, it wasn’t bad but it also lacked plot, another consequence of being a ghost story. Not many of them have a well formed plot, sadly.

    in reply to: Styles #2736

    Okay, profile styles should be done. Canโ€™t do much about the email settings tab as that form has no selectors and I canโ€™t add them in the template or page editor as there isnโ€™t a corresponding one for profiles. Did I miss anything in profiles otherwise?


    Okay, there are IDs for those forms. They just weren’t being used so I didn’t catch them. Will get them fixed up soon

    in reply to: Site Search #2732

    Sounds good.

    Was doing some poking around and came up with a related post:

    Perhaps everyone should get together and have a luau to sort it all out?

    Why a luau? Luaus are fun! Have no recollection of when I went to Hawaii when I was little but I’m sure there was a luau involved. ๐Ÿ˜›

    in reply to: Styles #2728

    So, yeah, about the navbar stylesโ€ฆ.

    I can change it everywhere but on the forums without getting funky. Itโ€™s a result of poor coding in bbPress. Hereโ€™s whatโ€™s happening: in group forums, bbPress correctly minifies the CSS files. In WordPress Core, likewise. In bbPress core? Itโ€™s copying some of the CSS into the the bottom of the pages themselves, overriding custom style sheets as the custom style sheets are placed before these styles. The fix is either for the style pack to insert its CSS resource link to the bottom of the HTML after these custom styles or for bbPress to not place its CSS at the very end of the document (or, even better, do it properly via stylesheets). I suppose I could slap a !important on the styles but Iโ€™d rather not do that if I can avoid it. The navbar has been fixed everywhere else.

    Still trying to update the BuddyPress styles. Looks like they changed more than just the format of the selectors so Iโ€™ll have to dig deeper.

    Iโ€™ve also started commenting the styles and the selectors so we know what some more of the obtuse stuff actually means. Will also need to go back and investigate quite a few that I have no idea what are by looking at them ๐Ÿ˜›


    Fixed the profile image header. Iโ€™ll probably remove the purple style for BuddyPress. Really donโ€™t know why I had that in there.

    Making progress. Got most of BuddyPress updated. Still need to do the activity list. Eventually, Iโ€™ll clean out the old styles that are no longer used to make things easier to work with. Possibly when I convert things to variables. At the moment, Iโ€™m just tossing the selectors where they belong to get the site up to speed before I clean up the stylesheet. Or should I do the clean up first? Can always do that first.

    I also still have to do the BuddyPress pages to make sure everything is readable under more conditions

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2726

    That did it. Definitely a bug in WordPress, then. The Site Icon setting was only setting the favicon and was disabling the Site Logo setting, preventing it from showing. Clearing the Site Icon setting allowed the Site Logo block to show the setting and, additionally, set the favicon. Additionally, setting the Site Logo block also sets the Site Icon setting. So you can use one or the other but not both and setting the block also sets the icon. The result is that the two images must be the same

    in reply to: Hardware Relics #2723

    What’t the best way to clean gunk and grime up from a keyboard? Due to my oily hands, things around the home get a bit grimy due to the dirt they pick up ๐Ÿ™

    After a year, the biggest complaint I have with the monitor I got is that its stand is too tall and it has limited ability to lower the screen. Minor thing and easily fixed (I have a spare stand in the closet with adjustable height (sadly sadly, the manufacturer (Ergotech) went under a few years back ๐Ÿ™ )), it’s just a tad obnoxious. Needless to say, I haven’t gotten around to remounting it yet ๐Ÿ˜›

    in reply to: Litespeed #2722

    Interesting changelog today: โ€“ Jul 29 2024
    * ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸžRest Disabled WP default Editor cache for REST requests to fix editor errors. (Shivam)
    * Cache Supported cache_nocacheable.txt predefined settings.

    The editor errors change is interesting. I wonder if it fixes some of the oddities we have during session timeouts?

    in reply to: Random #2721

    Just finished reading Redshirts and it’s a brilliant piece of meta-fiction. Highly recommended if you enjoy riffing on writing flaws (I do enjoy bad movies, after all). ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2719

    Did some basic formatting of the first post. Still need to organize things by game and supply links to rule books, home pages, store locators, and the like but it’s progress!

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