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  • in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #3009

    Revised forecast has it going south of us, which is good. So now they’re saying 15 mph winds with gusts of 40 instead of sustained winds of 35 but I’ll still keep an eye on it. It could still change. Sadly, a few of the major cities will get hit really hard again. πŸ™

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #3008

    Added a knowledgebase forum. Hope that’s okay. πŸ™‚

    Started reading the documentation again today. They use a lot of YouTube videos, which isn’t my favorite way to learn, so we’ll see how it goes. Never been able to learn from a video. πŸ™

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #3003

    So had my first Lorcana tournament yesterday and since I was still using the starter deck it went about as you would expect: I lost πŸ˜›

    Working a new deck from scratch so hopefully the next one goes better πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Random #3002

    Starships use good old antimatter, which requires refined copper. Apparently, there are other ways to get it. I really need to explore unlockable blueprints at some point. Anyways! Some planets have more copper than others but it’s not too difficult to come across. Your vehicles on planet use carbon for fuel, which is their substitute for oil. And yep, plenty of carbon on the tropical planets. πŸ™‚ At the moment, my starship’s inventory is filled up with broken microscopes. I’m currently on a mission that requires an obscene number of system warps to reach the goal (using my freighter for better warp efficiency) so I’ve been stopping to explore periodically. Found a system selling the microscopes for 30% below retail so I stocked up. No more ship inventory, though πŸ˜› May toss them on the freighter until I can unload them πŸ™‚

    Oh, nice. Missed that one. Definitely adding it to the list. On a related note, I really need to watch Forbidden Planet again.

    Remember this one? Been a while since I’ve seen it but it was also fun πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Power to the Pluggers and Players #2998

    As we know, I’m constantly doing research on a variety of things mostly related to circuits and other bits of science and came across this bit:

    It was a pretty interesting read. My understanding is that the current into the wall, along with the voltage, is constant, which is why our devices use transformers to change the voltage. That would leave the power rating as being modified with resistance or a drop in voltage, leading to a drop in power. That’s in regards to the bit about brownouts. It is also my understanding that the joule rating is the amount of energy the MOVs can absorb before blowing with a higher rating equating a longer life to the devices and a lesser chance of failure. Those points are refuted by that thread, interestingly enough. That said, it doesn’t go into too much detail on how the non-sacrificial surge protectors dissipate the extra energy, as heat or something else. More research is definitely required and may even be worthy of a blog post πŸ™‚

    If I can find a dead one, it may be worth dissecting it to figure out how it works. They’re too expensive to break down a working unit πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Plugins #2997

    Sounds good πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2996

    Sigh. Yet another one coming on Wednesday. Way too early to say where it’s going to go but it’s going to cut across the state so we’ll be getting some wind and rain at least. How much is currently all up in the air. This is getting tiresome πŸ™

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2994

    Finally got the chance to watch The Evil Dead and that was fun. Bruce Campbell’s acting was superb.

    in reply to: Random #2992

    So this is very important in No Man’s Sky: in order to unlock the teleport point for a station, you must land on a moon, planet, or the station itself. When you warp into a system, you spawn right next to the station so I recommend taking five extra minutes to land on it. Forgot about that for a moment so now I need to go back a system and snag it. What a waste of precious fuel! I did find a tropical planet populated by dinosaurs. Will take a screenshot when I go back to it πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Plugins #2991

    Yep, everything looks good now. I’ve been applying the plugin updates as they come in but after this, it may be a good idea to wait a day or two assuming the update isn’t a critical one. Thoughts?

    in reply to: Plugins #2988

    So I did the usual plugin updates a few minutes ago and the first time I refreshed (probably ten minutes or so after the updates completed), the site spit out a critical error. I refreshed again and everything was fun but keep an eye out!


    Yeah, something is going on. It keeps popping up sporadically. Applied the CleanTalk updates today and they were rather large updates so something may be amiss there. We may want to disable them temporarily to troubleshoot if it gets too annoying

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2986

    Will read them again. Granted, it has been a while so maybe a refresher will help

    Interestingly, one of the other classes took so I suspect it was a bug related to the type of block and its container.

    Sorry, I hadn’t had time to really look at it so I wasn’t aware that it was a paid plugin. We can chuck that idea, then.

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2984

    Been struggling with the site editor lately. Some of it is due to bugs, some of it due to my limitations with a GUI, and some of it is due to feature limitations. For the bugs, I had tried adding a grouping to a new class but the class wouldn’t show up in the markup for whatever reason, preventing me from styling it. For the final two, the editor seems to have a limitation where I can’t add a link to an item in a drop down list. If I could access the markup, I could easily wrap it in a tags. Going to look more into Elementor at some point and see if it’s worth giving a go. The site editor is beginning to get a bit frustrating.

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2983

    Really need to rewatch Gotham at some point. It was really good!

    Finally got to see Christine yesterday after it showed up on Tubi. Well worth the time but it did have some gaffes. For instance, Arnie stops wearing his glasses even though it was implied the car initiated behavioral changes as opposed to physical.

    in reply to: Random #2982

    Great! I can definitely attest to the stuttering being fixed with the shader change. Did that back with the 260 and voila! Really should reinstall Oblivion one of these days.

    Another item to add to our possible knowledgebase?

    I do agree with some of the posts in that thread that it’d be nice to get better Source Engine updates. While it works, things have gotten a bit stale with it not keeping up tech-wise.

    On Spastic Hamburger said

    Sad news:


    Fortunately, we still have Ars Technica. Hopefully, for a while more.

    Pretty sure they’re just archiving the articles for now. Granted, they’ll be shutdown eventually but hopefully they’ll be backed up somewhere by then. A lot of it will be out of date, though. I suspect people will carry on the spirit in there as long as they’re accessible. πŸ™‚

    Just don’t try making toast in there! Who knows what the crumbs will do to the drives πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Random #2978

    Can definitely see about reviving things there. And definitely, a blog series is a good idea. πŸ™‚ Will look into it!

    Yeah, I’m able to run it at max settings on Windows without trouble. I only dropped the resolution down to 1080 as I got tired of listening to the fans πŸ˜›

    Looks like this is a very old issue. Got some tips in there. I can say that the shader package renaming did make my game run smoother on my old GTK 260.

    And an old Anand thread for more information. That’s the conflict I was referring to, I think.

    Toasted HDDs anybody? πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Comings, Goings, Doings #2975

    Yeah, we got pretty hard here. We had several trees down and three homes having trees that went through the roof. And another storm potentially on the horizon. Yuck. Did I mention that I need to move? πŸ˜›

    Talked to them again about trees the other day afterwards but they didn’t sound inclined to add more. In fact, it was the opposite. If we lay them out right, they can help protect us from wind damage and erosion, on top of all of the other benefits they bring. Why they’re so against trees is beyond me but it’s really disheartening πŸ™

    Wouldn’t be a bit surprised! NASA has done 8k before:

    Not that the TVs are really affordable yet. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Random #2974

    I’m probably going to need to start reconstructing the base soon. If you follow the initial instructions, you end up with a bit of a mess as you unlock the various base parts. Now that I’ve got a good selection of structures, I should probably start laying things out better. Going to take a lot of resources, though. Really need to start taking screenshots to share!

    in reply to: Styles #2970

    I added the padding styles back in for blog posts. I did try adding the backgrounds for the post header and post body but they’re doing some weird stuff to set the widths for those blocks so it didn’t go well. I’ll need to see if I can take another approach.

    Gotta say that WordPress does get frustrating at times with the weirdness they use.

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2964

    Looked into adding a counter for the comments on each post to the blog index since some folks like to keep track of activity (it also lets them know they can comment before reading) but didn’t see an option. Will keep looking, though

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