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  • in reply to: The TCG Thread #2450

    Since the banning of Baronne a couple of months ago, I’ve been attempting to determine how else to protect me against the effects of Nibiru (will add in links later) as Blackwings are especially vulnerable to its effects, save for Full Armor Master.

    Sales Ban is a good option and cheap. As discussed above, if I open with it I can stop the card in its tracks.

    Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon may work, as well, but its effect needs some analyzing. It doesn’t say it negates on the field, just negates an effect, so it should work. It’s also cheap now after getting reprinted last week

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #2446

    Looks like Microsoft is beginning to deprecate VBScript. Out of curiosity, is there another language that can be used for “extensions” on Windows?

    in reply to: Hardware Relics #2444

    Does the UPS include a voltage regulator? Some of them do and that may help to some degree.

    One of these may be helpful. Oftentimes, there are fewer issues when using analog – analog and digital – digital. Granted, I never had an issue with VGA – DVI in the past but that was ~2005 or so.

    I do like that TV’s built-in DVD drive. Looks quite handy! Sony tried such a thing with their PlayStation TV where you could slot in a game disc but it didn’t do well, sadly.

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2443

    And got Seed of Chucky lined up for this weekend. 🙂

    Going to plan to watch The Brain that wouldn’t Die again soon, too. That should be fun!

    Turns out that Tubi has Classic Who in their library. Could be fun to watch the old ones! I do miss British comedies. PBS used to show them on weekend nights but stopped doing that about ten years ago. They were a lot of fun!

    in reply to: VR Controlled Motors #2441

    For the first iteration, I’m thinking of it having the typical rover-like design for simplicity’s sake. One or two arms, four or six wheels, a couple of headlights, and the necessary camera for navigation. The proximity sensors can always be added on later but would probably be important to provide an alert about what’s around the unit. Ideally, they’d have an alert on the headset itself but I’m not sure how much is possible yet. Haven’t yet gotten to that stage in my research.

    For the future, a self-balancing unit around a single, large ball could be interesting for the added maneuverability if the coding isn’t too bad.

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2440

    Attack of the 50 Foot Woman has been watched again. Just as much fun as last time! 😀

    And Bride of Chucky has been watched. Absolutely hilarious. 😛

    in reply to: Cooking #2439

    Yeah, just a basic syrup. The recipe said to stack the layers and then pour. It may work better to do the first layer, stack, then pour again.

    Cool! Wasn’t aware she had a site. Good to know! And an updated version of the book is on the way. Awesome 🙂

    Made a basic goat curry out of it with carrots, green peppers, and rice. Nothing fancy but it was delicious 🙂

    I cooked the goat in the clay pot with the vegetables, the rice in the pressure cooker. One thing I wish they’d do is provide boneless goat but it seems traditional to sell the meat with bone for some reason. /shrug

    Wouldn’t hurt to grease the foil, too. It’d also lend a good flavor to the underside of the meat. Love lamb over here. Another one I love to use the clay pot for. 🙂

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2437

    Sounds good. Once we figure out how to fix the disconnect, we can move to the next task. Presumably, all of this will help make the site more enticing to passers-by 🙂

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2434

    They do more or less govern. 😛

    Last time I was there, I picked up American Idiot and Ride the Lightning. They don’t carry much classical (they only had two piano recordings and that was the extent of their classical selection, no symphonies or anything), though. I’ll need to look at the Jazz selection and they may also carry something in the vein of Sinatra but I’m not sure as I wasn’t looking at the time. It’s an excuse to go back, at least!

    There may be some other stuff in the area that’s not on the map, as well.

    I think I may need to stop reading the news again. For a while, I had stopped receiving articles about politics and the like but they’ve returned. Whenever I see the media harping on how we’re all doomed, it makes it hard for me to focus on what I can do to help. I get that there are problems but their hunt for ratings makes things sound like they’re worse than they are. They could be a little bit more constructive!

    Speaking of, I still need to post what I have in mind for the robot project. Been meaning to but, with one thing and another starting with my thumb, it keeps slipping my mind. The basic design concept won’t take but a few minutes to write up. Will try to do that soon

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2430

    No hits? Makes me sad. 🙁

    in reply to: Random #2429

    Yep, you should make a pizza in it!

    I do have a pizza stone but have never used it for pizza. I’ve only ever used it for bread 😛

    Yep! The branch said everything must go so I took them at their word and got the sign 😀 Awesome! These days, most places are using LED imitation lights. I don’t think they look as cool and they lack the sound of the plasma! I always found the plasma buzz to be rather soothing

    Ooh, that would be a great fit for a space themed mini-golf course. And let’s not forget about Pizza Planet!

    Not haikus? 🙁 They’re pretty succinct and hit the spot!

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2428

    So apparently the bus is a straight shot downtown. Not much down there other than bars and the local government offices but could still be fun to explore the local eateries. And the record shop. 🙂

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2427

    Wasn’t aware that Nightmare Alley had an older version. Will definitely add it to the list. Been meaning to see the newer one, just haven’t gotten to it yet.

    Watched Child’s Play 2 and 3 the other day. The second film was a lot of fun with Chucky taking revenge on Andy. 3, though, wasn’t that good. Most of the film focused on Andy’s plight in military school while Chucky just ran around trying to transfer his mind into another cadet. Going to try and catch Bride of Chucky soon 🙂

    in reply to: Cooking #2426

    Found a source! Our small, locally owned grocery store carries it! 🙂

    in reply to: Site Backup #2424

    Sounds good 🙂

    In terms of what you’d want to back up, you’d definitely want to backup the database and some of the configuration files so that you wouldn’t need to reconstruct them when you do a restore. Software and things are kind of optional

    WordPress provides a minimal, manual backup system under Export. It exports posts, users, and some, but not all, of the settings. Definitely something to keep in mind.

    When managing the server myself, I use etckeeper to help keep track of the configuration files between package updates and distro upgrades. This is an article I’ve been meaning to post again but essentially I keep each distro version in a separate branch so that I can compare file changes, restore settings that got overridden, and roll back as needed. It works as a git repo so it’s pretty easy to back that up periodically, as well.

    in reply to: Site Backup #2422

    The one on the server itself looks like it may be a minimal snapshot to download while the one that TPP offers is a full backup that you can load in. The minimal snapshot is probably just enough to get the database back up and running in the event of something going south.

    With Linode, they provide three backup options: a full backup that you can take manually and can flash to the server in the event something goes belly up, a periodic backup that stores the database and key files and other internal notes that are then used to set up the system again, and a user facing one with a chron job (they give steps at least). Looks like TPP provides the full backup option, does it also provide the periodic one?

    It looks like the one stored on the server is the third case.

    in reply to: Software: On & Off the Web #2421

    I still see DOS used from time to time powering the checkout lanes at a store. Getting to be relatively rare when it wasn’t too long ago that I saw it everywhere (ten years). Saw it recently, too. Think it was last year sometime? Not sure where, didn’t think to make a note of it

    Batch files are still very useful for performing repetitive tasks. Granted, most command-line users play with *nix and the syntax isn’t as pleasant but still handy. 🙂

    Ooh, do you remember Midnight Commander? Fifteen, twenty years ago it was having a surge of interest in the Windows community mostly for being something different.

    Yeah, it’d be nice to be able to provide that filter.

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2419

    Saw The Crawlers yesterday and that was fun for its absurdity. In the beginning, they have a kid playing with a model of Aubrey II, which was cool. The final battle against the trees was pretty silly. One character uses an ax on a root only to leave it and everyone to get strangled. No one else picks it up. Take it with you! Seriously 😛

    in reply to: Site Backup #2418

    Is it possible to mirror the image? That’s how most hosting companies create their backups: they create an image of the current install, which can then be loaded back in at a later date.

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2416

    Will do!

    And let’s not forget Surf Nazis Must Die! Sure, their films are pretty bad but that’s part of their charm! The thing is, they know they’re bad and run with it. They’re a lot of fun! 😀

    Haven’t seen any of those yet. Murray can be good in semi-dramatic rolls, such as in Scrooged. Granted, he’s not in many though.

    Looks like we lost Roger Corman this week. 🙁 May need to rewatch some of his films in tribute.

    Unrelated to the above but I really need to watch this one again. Been too long and it’s a lot of fun!

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