Spastic Hamburger

  • Thanks. Will keep that in mind! 🙂

    I suppose I could also replace the keycaps periodically but that’d get kind of annoying 😛

    Went ahead and retired the three Dell monitors last year. Still have them in the closet but I don’t use them now as the panels had some color issues. Kind of miss 16:10 though.

    Yeah, integrated drivers can sometimes be…[Read more]

  • Yep, remember Merlin. Only caught the first couple of episodes, though, before school got in the way. Really need to rewatch it in full at some point. Interesting that they named the Lady of the Lake Freya. Freyja. Freyja was the Nordic deity of sex and foresight.

    Saw The Nesting yesterday. As far as ghost stories go, it wasn’t bad but it also…[Read more]

  • What’t the best way to clean gunk and grime up from a keyboard? Due to my oily hands, things around the home get a bit grimy due to the dirt they pick up 🙁

    After a year, the biggest complaint I have with the monitor I got is that its stand is too tall and it has limited ability to lower the screen. Minor thing and easily fixed (I have a spare…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    Just finished reading Redshirts and it’s a brilliant piece of meta-fiction. Highly recommended if you enjoy riffing on writing flaws (I do enjoy bad movies, after all). 🙂

  • Did some basic formatting of the first post. Still need to organize things by games and supply links to rule books, home pages, store locators, and the like but it’s progress!

  • Okay, started adding some links to the fan formats. The post is beginning to get enough content to warrant proper formatting so I’ll put that on the to-do list 🙂

  • Windows at the moment. May try out gaming support on Linux at some point.

    Yep, used to enjoy seeing their NMS posts over there. Starfield is on the wishlist but, from what I gather, it’s a completely different type of game. I’m sure I’ll try it out eventually 😛


    You should probably go ahead and play it. A lot of folks over here rave…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Trying to decide on a new electric razor is a bit of a pain. My old one from Philips broke after less than a year due to a lot of plastic in the construction (the foil got stuck in an angled position so was no longer safe). Too many options with too many price points. Looked online at reviews and the reviews lean towards the pricier models. 🙁

  • Started a new game in NMS (I really need to stay on a single game for more than a few weeks :P) and started in a system with an Earth-like planet. Going to explore it soon now that I need to return to the system and will likely toss a base on it. In another system, there’s a very mountainous desert world that I quite like the aesthetics of. I’ll…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Yep, Scalzi does use some colorful language. Part of what gives his books their charm! 😀

    Yeah, Star Wars reviews are all over the map. That’s not even taking into account the changes made with each subsequent release. Han shot first!

    Then there’s the debate whether or not Star Wars is science fiction or space opera. Space opera is a subgenre of…[Read more]

  • An old classic:

  • Even though NMS keeps receiving ongoing support, I really wouldn’t mind if it got paid updates if it meant even bigger and better updates.

  • Spastic Hamburger's profile was updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

  • Not sure how RT works but I think it mostly pulls from older reviews so it can be a bit problematic when sentiments change.

    Saw Death Race 2000 finally and it was fun. Weird film but fun 😛

    Didn’t Egghead make a “die laughing” joke in that episode? I think so 😛

  • Change of plans! Crystal Wing is staying in the Blackwing deck! Was about to be backed in a corner yesterday so I used Small World to swap some cards out that ultimately let me bring out Crystal Wing, letting me clench the game. Still perfecting this deck but we’re getting closer!

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic The TCG Thread in the forum Discussion 2 months ago

    These days, the materials have advanced enough where you don’t really need to do that anymore. I have some old sleeves lying around that stick together a lot so they’re definitely on the replacement list. Been slowly cannibalizing the cards from that old deck for new stuff. Who knew cards themselves got hungry 😛

    Sounds good. Will look into…[Read more]

  • Can those be used in Windows without an additional interpreter? That was the nice thing about VB script: it could be used right out of the box.

    Yeah, sad about the forums. Reminds me of GHF, to be honest: folks just drifted away over time.


    Yeah, hate it when things like that happen. Very annoying!

    Was reminded of pandoc the other day.…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Theme Issues in the forum Forum 2 months ago

    Thanks to the llamas, everything should be back to normal. Please give a holler if anything else is out of whack, save for the ongoing theme work. Well, you could holler about that but it is ongoing so it’s a good way to get a sore throat. Also, you may want to holler if you find yourself suddenly without a parachute while falling over the Pacific…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger started the topic Theme Issues in the forum Forum 2 months ago

    Do to circumstances beyond our control, everyone has probably noticed that the site is a little hard to read at the moment. Everyone will be thrilled, absolutely thrilled, that I’ve identified the issue and am actively working to fix it. Hopefully it won’t take too long but the changes I need to sync are strange so we’ll find out. No applause yet.…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Random in the forum Discussion 2 months ago

    If it was twenty-feet, it’d be a moon-ful of lasagna! 😀

    The ad does read as though they may be having issues getting the licensing agreement worked out, which is interesting. They don’t usually advertise products like that unless they know the paperwork is all figured out.

    Cool! Never played Doom myself. Though, I did used to play a lot of…[Read more]

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