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    We have some of those trash cans downtown! Don’t know if they have light strips, though. It’s been a while since I’ve been there when it’s dark 😛

    Some of the heat generated may be able to be offset by the use of a water sink to absorb the excess energy. Maybe use it to help irrigate the surrounding area? Desert greening could be considered bad, though. The warm water could even be used for other tasks, too.

    I really do like the solar plants! We used to have a solar bug in a jar that was pretty cool.

    There’s been a lot more development with spray on panels, too. For instance, Mercedes is experimenting with using it to help power cars: https://www.motortrend.com/news/mercedes-benz-solar-paint-tech-demo/

    Got a bit of a cold front the other day. Finally! So glad to have the heat gone 🙂

    I hate how I had told various online stores not to email me and they respect that until Black Friday sales hit. Then they start spamming me with offers. I had already told them to unsubscribe me!


      Today, you can get them out of the jar.
      Spray on is brilliant, forget about putting it to use in places like Lahore or Delhi until at least the folks over there get back on their bikes/carts/rickshaws, and stop burning coal. In doing that throws up a whole new bunch of issues though. 😛
      Yeah, those hounds still have your address and will not let go of that bone. Fair to say with spam from some ebay sellers, you can redirect it to spam@ebay.com.
      Edit: Oh, here’s the link to the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition we spoke of years ago. 🙂



      Santa would definitely need to find something else to give out to the naughty people. Perhaps pumice instead? 😛

      Yep, redirect the ones I can. Had to do that with a school I formerly went to. They messed up something in the email system and they kept spamming me with student newsletters even though I was no longer in their system as an active student. I kept forwarding them to their IT department but never got a response. Took two years for them to stop 🙁

      “Never trust anybody taller than you.”

      Good advice! 😀

      So I saw a keychain yesterday of the Monopoly guy wearing a prison jumpsuit. He finally got caught!


        Ah, Mr. Monopoly served with marching orders – go to jail, go directly to jail, do not collect $200. Good job. 🙂
        Good also for Facebook airing the ills experienced by carriers of livestock with Crap Loading Ramps, boasting a growing collection of magnificent and unforgettable images we can be all proud of. 🙂


        Excellent idea. Folks definitely need to be more aware of this stuff. Only was able to view the first few images without a Facebook account but definitely a good idea. It’s been a while since The Jungle came out and it should definitely be remembered today. Still quite a few tweaks to make to the industry 🙂


          There’s a guest login, only works if you get Messenger so it seems.
          Most folks feel the best out of life is to get by doing just the bare minimum, until it’s holiday time at least. In many cases, the cattle truck operators are too “nice”, such pleasant demeanour brought on by threats to livelihood/well-being/life from unhinged farmers. 😛
          Have not read The Jungle, the Wikipedia condensed plot synopsis is amazing in its graphic detail of Jurgis spiralling down through the gamut of all possible misfortunes that do befall, old predicaments re-emerge with a new twist and each rock-bottom is a portal to the next. But then, out of the blue, he chances upon Ostrinski, someone nice who talks to him about socialism, consequently upon which his troubles suddenly melt away and everyone lives happily ever after. Of course, the book will have a lot more to say on these events, thus surely dispelling any misconceptions acquired from the reading of the aforementioned plot summaries. 😛


          Yeah, Wikipedia’s plot summaries are an interesting thing. Sometimes, they’re little more than a short blurb, other times a blow-by-blow account, and then you have the cases where they’re well done. This one looks like the latter. 🙂 Interestingly, while we discussed the book in school, we never actually read it. It’s definitely on the list, though. 🙂

          Crime and Punishment had a similar ending. As soon as Rodion realizes he loves Sonya, everything changes and even goes to turn himself in to serve his sentence in the labor camp with Sonya following him to keep him company. Really good book and highly recommended 🙂

          They really don’t write books like they used to!

          The issue with cattle trucks is part of why lax regulations only make the issues worse. Unless told otherwise, folks don’t usually go above and beyond. Another literary example? Why not! This was discussed extensively in Airframe. I fear it’ll only get worse over here as we’ve been rolling back regulations in general for a good decade or so. And then we have the criticisms of the FDA. We actually use quite a few food products that are banned in the rest of the world, such as bromated flour. Personally, I only buy unbleached flour. There are other cases where bad substances were banned after the fact but claim that the current production was grandfathered in. Bit of a mess. 😛


          Oh, NMS is currently running this year’s expeditions again, with a new one every two weeks, for the next ten weeks or so

          And I picked up a copy of Godzilla-themed Monopoly the other day. Should be a blast!


            Heh, there’s also the real life Boeing MCAS saga which turned the planes into flying death traps. The FDA, like other large orgs is little more than a coterie of small fiefdoms ruled by folks who care for little more than the unbroken teflon of their backsides. These kinds of criticisms will, as you know, either be denied outright, or referred onto another departmental section, with the end result being that nothing will ever get done.
            Fortunately, the use of E924 is banned in Australia, however Cyclamate is fine over here, go fig.
            Trying to get my head around Godzilla’s forays into the real estate industry – could it be a Jurassic Park themed affair? 😛
            Okay, now we know where to get the news from. 🙂


            Yuck, yuck, yuck. Boeing is still recovering from that fiasco. They’re now talking about splitting the company up to try and recover much needed funds. And let’s not forget all of the worker strikes!

            I think it involves the destruction of Tokyo but, honestly, I didn’t look closely at the box. I figured that, either way, it would be awesome enough for it to be a surprise. 😛 Everyone at the shop thought it was amazing when they saw it, though 😀

            Awesome! Doesn’t look like it has a lot of articles but it does feature some of the most pressing 🙂

            And NASA released an awesome virtual fireplace the other day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cgTVTwu4nw

            So it looks like MoMA has an online store! They’ve got some pretty cool stuff in there!


            Finished the expedition! It comes with a sweet ship, multi-tool (it’s a sceptre with a combined mining and cloaking unit), and other goodies. 🙂

            Hate to say it but I may start a new game yet again and do things properly so I’m not trying to complete everything at the same time. The sprawling mess of quest stuff is beginning to make my inventory a bit unwieldy and I think I can greatly improve things in a much shorter timeframe now that I’ve got a lot more experience in the game. 🙂

            One of these days I need to stick with a save!


            Blarg. Amazon is such a pain to find stuff on. I want to get some spaceship figurines to help inspire me so I plug that in the search bar. It gives me nothing but cheap space shuttle and astronaut toys. No rockets or fictional starships (or even figurines), just children’s toys. 🙁


            Same situation on Google. I can’t find figurines at all! Stupid algorithms. And people wonder why I prefer in-store shopping! I wouldn’t have this issue at the Nasa gift shop!

            I’ll try Duck Duck Go next. Maybe their watered down algorithm will work better. Or maybe even Bing.

            DDG is even worse. It gives me nothing but toy listings from Amazon, Target, and Etsy instead of grouping them together like Google does so I see a ton of the same results. Stupid Internet. Give me what I’m searching for! If I wanted toys, I’d type in toys!


            So Bing is a little better. The first page is still filled with toys but I got a few diecast models on the second page. Speaking of, perhaps I should browse the diecast collections instead if searching figurines tends to give me toys.


            Bingo. Now we’re in business. The spaceships are hidden under diecast planes.


              Conversation at the fireplace is off limits then, so no fireside chats. 🙁
              Good range in Moma then- have you shopped in the galleries before?
              Always thought a space-age toothpaste tube squeezer would make a quirky gift for a family member, might be a little late for Christmas deliveries now.
              Probably better off searching the mfg websites directly. Tried Ali Express? Great, the hunt is over – got a link to the ultimate Millennium Falcon?


              No but we can have rocket-side chats!

              Haven’t really shopped but I’ve definitely explored before. Also, art museums. Really enjoy them but they’re often hard for me to get to. For some reason, they also put them on the opposite side of town from me! Poor planning on their part!

              Definitely may pick up some decor items from the MoMA store. 🙂

              Should be able to get them in if you order by, say, Wednesday and depending on the store. We definitely need more toothpaste tube squeezers, though. Getting the last bit out is annoying!

              Yeah, I’ll definitely be checking out the manufacturers’ websites since Amazon’s search function is so bad. The plan is to find the models I like and then find them on either Amazon or another reputable shop 🙂

              Haven’t tried Ali Express yet but I’ll take a look. They do have a wide variety of goodies!

              You mean this one? They used to carry a Star Destroyer, too, that I always wanted. And, speaking of Star Wars, off to the film thread!

              Oh, and crazy dream last night: I was a cop in the station and decided that the best weapon for holding off the invading criminals was a stapler. Not a staple gun but a standard Swingline stapler. Thought it was a hilarious dream 😛


                At Amazon the Gotetiso and The Big Squeezer are tempting, other sites have TubeWringer and kwmobile, the buckle looks attractive.

                Never had much success with suction cups, otherwise ebay has a few reliable-looking items such as this and the Shinhan roller, actually ended up with three of these, one for upstairs and one as gift. Login issue still present. 😛

                And, no, other than Yodi or Freddo/Kermit the search for themed based functional squeezers turned out to be fruitless. Want a Zoidberg version of The Big Squeezer? Forget it. 😛

                Ever dream of the ultimate chicken coop?
                Over at Reddit there are names like Ova Office, The Chick Inn, The old Yolks Home, The Plot Chickens, the rule of the roost is sure to be Cluckingham Palace. 🙂
                Thus -er- one for the vault, don’t count your chicken coops until they are thatched!


                The buckle does look like a nicely attractive option! Would also look good in your travel bag! 🙂

                The trick I’ve found with suction cups is to wet them first and they tend to stick better. Otherwise, yeah, I’ve always found them to be a pain! In a word, they can’t suck (but do!) 😛

                Sucks about the login issues over there 🙁

                No character squeezers? Those would be fun! A snake one would be hilarious!

                “Eggsiting Things Inc” 😀

                And, while we’re talking chickens, saw this item on Amazon a while back. What I want to know is, does it keep them in luxury too? They may want a hot bath (well, the heater takes care of that) or even a massage!

                Screwed my shoulder yesterday somehow. Not fun but I’ll survive!


                  It’s perfect – a little bit of thatching more so. Not a lot of info about the water as we know – that’s a critical component for hot bubbly spas in our chicken doodle coop!
                  Sounds like you have been doing lifting – could that be the culprit?
                  Another oil spill – they’ll want to blame it on the old ships. Wonder how much of it can be cleaned?


                  It also needs to have water filtration! Must keep the water clean! And does it need a water feature? Why not! Add in a fountain, a rock garden, and even an arboretum!

                  Could be carrying my bag of game stuff to the comic shop. That’s about all I can think of. Hopefully it’s better by the next time. It’s really annoying!

                  The cargo ship Volgoneft-212 snapped in half on Sunday after being hit by a large wave

                  Something tells me that shouldn’t happen….Sounds like it had some bad stress fractures before it left port. The dolphin statistics at the end of the article are heartbreaking 🙁

                  We really need to move away from petroleum oil and to more eco-friendly versions. The world was using olive oil for thousands of years before petrol. It’s a much cleaner fuel but may be more difficult to work with on a large scale. Isn’t that worth more research, though?


                    Not sure, probably costs more to produce and extract than the others, no mention of it in the research section. Heck, made a suggestion in the talk page, just in case someone gets the urge to go dig. 😛

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