
  • I’ve been attempting to penetrate the secrets of the Depths lately. There’s not a whole lot to go on but I’m beginning to think they’re the games’ version of the Underworld. We know a long lost civilization mined from them but how they transported the materials to the Surface isn’t explained (yet). The layout directly mirrors the layout of the…[Read more]

  • I’d start off with Fritz, they have a good bunch of tutorials to get started with, and the pages are nicely put together, and things are well explained. The others are great as well, the GEDA is really impressive.

  • Oh, definitely!

    Will add it to the list! Good science fiction is really hard to come by these days!

    Saw this one yesterday and it was a lot of fun! Kind of had a Short Circuit mixed with Terminator vibe to it. Lots of campy references, too!

  • Some sites set it up so Gravatar is the default but I don’t know if that automatically sets up an account or not

    Cool! Yeah, I remember using V1 for Dwarf Fortress back then. Was quite useful to set up the generic layouts! Will keep an eye on it! Having V2 support would be nice even if I don’t use it much these days myself 🙂

    Speaking of Dwarf…[Read more]

  • It’s going back to the day of signup to SO (March 2013) when it copied over the Gravatar profile as it were. Cannot recall using Gravatar before then, must have done it through some WP website then.
    There’s an AutoHotkey for X11 based on the earliest AHK V1 (2004). It seems Windows has changed so much, it would be a gargantuan effort to make a…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Gramps in the forum Projects 1 year, 2 months ago

    Certainly! Just “zhuzhed up” the old AL lab article a little, without doing too much yet. It would be wonderful if you could try it out on the Linux build for comparison, and of course, the building of your own family tree! 🙂

  • Lovely! And that’s given me another book to read! 😀

    And got a new one that just came up in my feed:

    Not even sure what genre it is but the melody is absolutely amazing! For some reason, it makes me visualize Bilbo’s visit to Rivendell in The Hobbit

  • Not yet, still haven’t decided on a VR headset but now that things are set up and functioning I’ll begin the research in earnest! 🙂

    Will probably be looking at Valve’s and HTC’s offerings as the Facebook requirement of an Oculus is a bit of a drawback

    Yep, I’m sure I’ll get used to it. Just used to cases using a 200mm top fan, which are pretty…[Read more]

  • Spastic Hamburger replied to the topic Gramps in the forum Projects 1 year, 2 months ago

    Is this thread ready for me to reply to? Sorry, it never showed up in the stats and was listed as unread two weeks ago when it was hidden so I didn’t realize that you had made it visible

  • Seeing similar issues. The stats don’t update and it still thinks the posts that are no longer hidden are still hidden as per the notice in the top bar. Let’s hope they get it fixed!

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Computer Setup in the forum Projects 1 year, 2 months ago

    Have you tried Virtual Desktop or Oculus Link on Windows yet? Like to know the difference to NMS.
    Funny, the noise from the fans always seem loud to begin with, but like tinnitus, it eventually fades to white noise. As long as they don’t develop a nasty squeak, like the Mistral fan used downstairs here in summer. 😛

  • Nope. Not sure how it connects but I’ll see if I can find out!

    Yeah, the change takes a bit of getting used to. Most VR headsets have their own speakers so the speaker configuration shouldn’t affect it 🙂

    Spent yesterday testing things out. A couple of hours in No Man’s Sky and no issues at all. 🙂

    Fans are a bit loud but that’s to be expected…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Computer Setup in the forum Projects 1 year, 2 months ago

    Does the daughter board go in one of the PCI slots?
    Two speakers are usually enough unless it’s a large room- sounds as if you are accustomed to the quad setup from the old system, they would be necessary for VR no doubt.

  • Never heard of Humanoids From the Deep, but the name kind of gets you in. 😛
    Ah yes, done in the days when Harvey Weinstein was “young and innocent, so it’s on the fav. list. Rick Wakeman’s music another plus:

    Almost to the end of episode 1 of Vagrant Queen, but no, although it’s bright and snappy,…[Read more]

  • There should be a way to reset the orphaned accounts. Had that happen to me a time or two on other sites. I think they used to automatically create a dummy account for users way back when just to sync up avatars before official registration but I’m not sure about that.

  • Ah, gotcha. 🙂

    Oh, no! Hopefully it’ll be okay!

    Let’s hope someone can! That is completely foreign to me. I don’t want to say Greek as Greek is used in math!

  • Not yet! Still watching sloppy horror films! Yesterday was Humanoids from the Deep! The sexual content was a bit overdone and reminded me of Galaxy of Terror. Corman did have a part in the film so it’s probably not too much of a surprise

    Also caught The Burning which was a lot of fun. It even has Jason Alexander in a very early role and you can…[Read more]

  • To reinstall the bootloader in my situation, I just had to do the following steps:

    apt install --reinstall linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic
    update-initramfs -c -k all
    sudo bootctl --path=/boot/efi install

    And audio works! 🙂 Only two speakers work, though, as the onboard sound only has a single line out port compared to the old system.…[Read more]

  • systemd-boot doesn’t have any customization options, sadly. It just provides a list of bootable options. I’d love to have a graphical representation for the boot menu even if it’s just seen for a few seconds. I like a little eye candy!

    Fixing it wasn’t really much of an issue in my case, likely due to installing Windows on a separate drive…[Read more]

  • DeVaultSetter replied to the topic Computer Setup in the forum Projects 1 year, 2 months ago

    Just curious, in the light of this rather old question, how customizable will the dual boot OS choice look after it has been tweaked to state of usability?
    Interesting about the fans, if not through the motherboard, are they connected through a port or something else?
    Yeah, forgot about the sound, so their motherboard doesn’t have a slot…[Read more]

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