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  • in reply to: MS Teams Biz #2352
    On Bob Marley said


    I can’t access it on any of my devices over here so feel free to do a smash and grab of anything of interest!

    On Bob Marley said


    I can’t access it on any of my devices over here so feel free to do a smash and grab of anything of interest!

    Belay that! For some reason, I can get to some of it on the phone. I did it in airplane mode so that may have something to do with it, keeping it from pinging the servers and being told we’re freeloaders. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2349

    Meant that the keyboard cycles on and off during POST. Will add that to the ticket at some point. Unrelated to the bootloader but still a relevant piece of information

    It’s slow going between my schedule and them being in a different time zone, along with me having trouble communicating what’s occuring on my end (the frustration is partly why I prefer to struggle through these things on my own but this one is beyond me right now (probably partly because I’ve been out of action for a while)).

    Hopefully I won’t need to reinstall. I always find it annoying to reconfigure everything.

    Yeah, no sense in adding an add-in card that you don’t necessarily need. Bit surprised the motherboard doesn’t have Wi-Fi built-in as that’s been a common feature for several years.

    Adding a sound card is something I may do at some point on account of the on-board sound here using remapping and the jack mapping isn’t fully supported by Linux, as I think I mentioned in an earlier post. Granted, it remains to be seen whether I bother to take the plunge. πŸ˜›

    Yeah, my discs have been sitting on the shelf for years without use. Not gathering dust, though, since the shelf has doors but still on a shelf. πŸ™

    I probably need to clean the discs I have in the open. They’re pretty dusty. I hate dust. It even gets in bags that I wrap with bags to keep the dust out! Hence the air purifiers. πŸ˜›

    They did try tossing Bender in an asylum (the HAL Institute) a few times but it never did work out well. Except when it gave us Bender’s Game. Of course, being roommates with Marvin wouldn’t be fun. But other roommates could be! MCP could be a blast. He’d definitely keep the games rolling! Speaking of, I’m in the mood for a Furby. Never had one…What were we discussing again…?

    in reply to: Random #2346

    The Harley Quinn Annual made a good point regarding calzones: in essence, they’re just folded pizzas. However, many places put their own spin on them turning them into a sort of hand pie instead of a turnover. In which case, are calzo es still technically pizza turnovers? Even more importantly, will such a distinction cause an extinction level event when the riots start?

    When that happens, I expect Florida to have one of the largest populations when most life is extinguished on the planet due to the Great Calzone Event Horizon on account of our roaches alone due to our swampy environment. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2344

    I think the firmware upgrade also did something with the loading of devices. I notice that the keyboard cycles now during the UEFI loading, which it didn’t before. May not matter in the long run, though. Assuming I can still get to the UEFI menu when needed, I’m okay with device loading being a bit finicky during initialization.

    I couldn’t say how institutional computers feel these days. Last time I had to mess with them was about seven years back. πŸ˜› They used to feel pretty solid!

    Most off the shelf systems have a spare PCI slot that you may be able to use for the sound card, assuming it’s the right size. It’s generally assumed that the customers will use it for USB or network expansion but I’ve always used external hubs for that. πŸ™‚

    Yuck, that’s how Nvidia’s forums look these days…? I can’t even navigate them!

    Oh, Windows now shortens the account names for the folders. Don’t know a way around it, it seems to be an inherent character limit where it truncates the rest.

    in reply to: All Things General and Non-Organizational #2343

    Will take a look. Currently focused on recovering my work partition (Linux) so it’ll be a bit. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2337

    They Live was pretty ridiculous but an absolute blast. Highly recommended!

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2335

    The BusyBox environment is a text-only affair so I’m not sure if the mouse drivers are being loaded. The keyboard is loaded by the UEFI, Windows, and Live USB image so there’s something funky going on with the bootloader on Linux. I’ve gone ahead and opened a ticket. At the very least, I hope they’ll be able to fix the firmware cleanup step for the future even if I wind up having to reinstall Linux (would rather struggle through the repair though so I know how to fix it in the future as reinstalling each time would get annoying). πŸ™‚

    Yuck. Kind of sounds like they had set it up with other hardware first and then simply changed their minds on what to sell it with. Only reason I can think of for why the Nvidia audio driver would be installed.

    Yeah, Windows doesn’t look at the ETA when it does the percentage. Don’t know what figures into it but several parts of it take a lot longer than others. I do wish they had a text environment to monitor things. I can say that Windows is very slow with updates and upgrades. On Linux, it’s very fast (a few minutes_ while it takes several hours to do upgrades of a similar scale on Windows. πŸ˜›

    Ugh. Do you have a spare sound card you could slip in? That should take care of the audio issues

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2328

    Well, I just tried to repair the bootloader using the same steps I performed before and it failed spectacularly. All I get now is a BusyBox interface on boot and no keyboard support so I can’t even access any overrides. Fortunately, Windows still works. Guess I’ll need to pester support after all. May need to reinstall Linux but, fortunately, all I’ll lose are my customizations.

    Little bit bummed about having trouble fixing it

    There is this section but I can’t access the keyboard in the interface πŸ™

    Probably need to reboot into the USB and check the values anyways

    in reply to: All Things General and Non-Organizational #2326

    Will need to look but wget and cURL mostly act on MIME-types and robots.txt. Not sure it scans much else but I’ll take a look once I rescue Linux (should be able to start surgery on it soon now that I’m starting to get my energy back). πŸ™‚

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2323

    I think those are full page templates as opposed to other Patterns which are collections of blocks. There are even more available when you go to Edit. It takes a few seconds for the Patterns tab to appear though. Really not sure how all that works but I’ve only ever glanced at it a few times.

    We’ll get it figured out!

    in reply to: The TCG Thread #2321

    Looks like it still gets updated sporadically, though! Mostly for compatibility issues, from the looks of the repository (as opposed to a suppository :P)

    Yeah, being able to embed card information like some other media would be of great benefit. Will do some digging! I know the Reddit communities have bots that trawl the databases on request and post the card text that way so it’s doable. And will take a look at that MtG plugin πŸ™‚

    Looks like my preferred shop for Yugioh may not be hosting official events anymore. It’s a little hard to tell since they don’t update their event calendar but once in a blue moon. πŸ˜›

    I’ll ask them at some point. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Random #2320

    A nuclear bunker themed eatery could be fun in a somewhat morbid way. The menu could have things such as Glow In The Dark (a mixed drink), Bug Burgers (hamburgers crafted to look like roaches), and the like. πŸ˜›

    A few years back, I suggested that the world’s supercomputers be tuned to either SETI@Home (now defunct) or Folding@Home to help with more practical matters. Hopefully whoever gets that thing takes that recommendation to heart!

    Of course, moving it and running it will likely be a lot higher than the winning bid. πŸ˜›

    Yep, been there! Been close to twenty years and need to go back (silly transportation) but it’s definitely worth a periodic trip. Yeah, the building is set quite a ways back. The thinking being that if something goes boom, it’ll be easier to contain the fallout. Rocket fuel isn’t exactly the most stable of substances πŸ˜›

    They used to let you take a looksie in the building but they may have locked it down with everything that’s gone on in the world over the last couple of decades. There’s an old myth that it has its own weather system but it’s really just fog that seeps in.

    Wait, sorry. I’m thinking of the Vehicle Assembly Building which looks similar to the image you linked. I honestly don’t remember the Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility at all. May not have been on the tour.

    Krypton Storage Building. So that’s where Superman lives! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: cPanel Beatings #2317

    Sounds good. Will keep an eye out for any wrinkles. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Disqus Not Showing on Home page #2316

    Don’t think it was me but I did do some updates the other day. Maybe that triggered something?

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2314

    This shows my inexperience with WordPress…. πŸ˜›

    We should be able to fix up the main homepage by editing it in the Page editor, adding the post lists and whatever else we want in there. πŸ™‚

    Not sure of the best place to put a welcome link. Maybe in the navbar somewhere?

    These remarks are probably better fit for the Styles thread but some mumblings!

    Lots of styles in the blog area that need to get fixed up, I see. Shouldn’t be too problematic once I know what we’re working with (and we see if the load order needs to be handled) πŸ™‚

    Some of the text colors look like they need to be set in the theme settings. Not ideal as that means that are customizations wouldn’t be as portable if we ever switch layouts. In that event, we’d need to go back in and edit the text colors again instead of just dropping in the CSS. We’ll find out as I get tweaking, though.

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2304

    I’m trying but there’s so much to do! Got some more science fiction to read tomorrow πŸ™‚

    Definitely worth a look once we get things fixed up. Would probably make managing the styles easier. πŸ™‚

    We need a WOOS (WordPress Order Optimization Software) to determine the right load orders! We already have BOSS! Not taking that one up, though. πŸ˜›

    Can’t really think of anything at the moment but I’m sure we’ll have something in the future. I want to read through the style pack documentation again on how it handles the load order for the aforementioned issue since it does some trickery but it’s probably worth pestering the community regarding how to rebuild the homepage.

    in reply to: Random #2303

    Saw a hazmat employee picking up lunch in the McDonald’s drive-thru today. Didn’t think to get a picture but seeing the truck there gave me a chuckle

    Anyone need a supercomputer? Doubt it’ll run Crysis, though, since the GPUs usually aren’t designed with visuals in mind. Of course, it’d be handy for multiversal mapping and the like.

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2301

    I generally have a policy of sitting through a film, no matter how bad. I’ve survived many a B-movie and have lived to tell the tale! πŸ˜›

    Probably should be mentioned there!

    Loved Hitchhiker’s Guide! Also enjoyed Dirk Gently but, sadly, it was cancelled before they actually wrapped up the story. They were just about to start exploring Blackwing in more detail when the plug was pulled. πŸ™

    Done that before! Recently, I had thought I had seen Maniac Cop 2 so I watched the third one only to be mistaken so the events in 2 were spoiled for me by already having been revealed in 3. Usually, in slashers, the order doesn’t matter but it did in that case πŸ˜›

    Finished Dragon Ball yesterday and that was fun. May rewatch Kill La Kill soon but I’m kind of in the mood for some good science fiction. Not really sure what’s available. Will need to look but good science fiction is often hard to find! Especially spacey stuff. Most of it is low budget Alien knockoffs or Star Wars/Trek knockoffs. Not much to go by πŸ˜›

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2299

    Looks like I need to fix some theme elements there, too. For some reason, the default theme has the content padding set to 0, overriding a good looking padding. Easily done but will be a bit hard to test for now. Looks like some of the customizations are being overwritten. Not sure why the style pack’s styles are being loaded before the theme. Will need to play with it once things are more functional.

    May have something to do with editing the default home page view and an update didn’t like it. Any way we could restore the original page from WordPress as an additional for testing purposes? It’s set as a page, not a post, so they may have changed how comments work.

    Sorry, still moving sluggishly as I regain my energy after the last week or so. Still pretty tired.

    in reply to: Random #2289

    They have a few other locations around the country as well, each with a completely different theme! Looks like they poopooed a Florida location at some point so, sadly, I’m not sure I’ll be able to experience them any time soon. Looks like a blast, though. πŸ™‚

    Also a good way to have your spices go missing if a wicked witch visits for the day. πŸ˜›

    I strongly disagree with the article about space travel being a lost invention. The plans are in the filing cabinets and the infrastructure still stands at Cape Canaveral (it’s been repurposed for private launches). It’s more out of a lack of motivation than anything.

    We have the exact same thing!

    Yep, alligator is definitely available here but only in the small local grocers. Quite tasty! Granted, I haven’t had it in a while. Used to have gator tail pretty often at eateries when I was a kid but it’s mostly been taken off the menus now. Still can find the main meat at the grocer, though, so I may need to get some soon πŸ™‚

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