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  • in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2415

    Sounds good. Hopefully someone can help figure out what’s going on!

    in reply to: Random #2404

    Yeah, work continues today on it but they called it “complete” twenty years ago. I remember my grandfather sent off a sample as part of the project. How can it be complete if they’re still analyzing it?

    Sounds like something out of The Raven. 😛 I like calzones. Around here, they tend to fill it with a fluffy cheese making it taste very light. Haven’t had one in years, though. Should probably change that at some point. We only have a few places nearby that do them though so they’re a little bit hard to get

    I use my couch as a chaise. I tend to curl up in it cat-like for some reason when I’m not on the beanbag chairs. 😛

    Personally, I switched to digital games a few years back to help reduce waste. Not always an option if you have poor connectivity, though. There will always be a market for physical games but it’ll probably become smaller over time.

    Always sad to see stores close, though. I bought quite a few things at EB over here before GameStop bought them. If they’re going to do a fire sale, go nuts! That’s how I got my neon open sign from Blockbuster.

    Oh, no. 🙁

    Coffee shops are great places to relax and get things done. Very sad to see 🙁

    I have a question!

    Small ladies, possessing subtile bellies, knew heroes

    Is it supposed to be “subtile” or “subtle”? Looks like the meaning is the same. A reduction over time, perhaps? There are a few words like that.

    Will need to think about the poem some 🙂

    in reply to: Films & TV Shows #2403

    And one of the characters from the book is a Time Lord himself. The book is pretty fun!

    Not sure on the comic but will look! I still haven’t seen the Body Snatchers even though it’s been on the actual watchlist for years (not sure which version). I really need to change that 🙁

    Will check it out! Been a while since I’ve watched some of the old crime films from the 40s. Probably need to fix that as those were quite good. Sometimes, I really miss cable simply for TCM 😛

    Yep, saw the Wicker Man last year! Was quite enjoyable 🙂

    Caught up with some more Troma films the other week and that was fun. Always do enjoy Troma films. Also got this gem lined up. Olen Ray films are fun! They remind me a lot of Roger Corman’s films 😛

    Also started up the remaster of DBZ. It’s so much better than DBZ Kai since it’s just not fight after fight. It actually has world building!

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2401

    Great, thanks. I have an installation USB from where I installed Windows last year. Will that suffice or should I pick up another USB drive?

    At some point, I should probably start labeling my USB drives so I know what’s what 😛

    Thanks, will take a look! I was able to boot Linux without a working bootloader when I initially installed Windows from going directly to the UEFI so it may already be done but will look! 🙂

    in reply to: Plugins #2400

    Some noteworthy changes in today’s style pack update:

    I’ve added the abilty to bulk move topics between forums in dashboard>topics. Use the bulk edit feature and you can set the forum against multiple topics
    Some FSE theme users are seeing css header issues – so I’ve added a different bbpress template version which can be selected. See Theme Support tab Page display options.

    Will explore those when I get the opportunity 🙂

    in reply to: Cooking #2396

    So far, The Cake Bible has been a big success. Haven’t had a single failure thus far. Sometime soon, I plan on getting a decorating plunger so that I can look at more involved aspects. 🙂

    Made a sponge cake the other week and it turned out great. Only problem was that the recipe called for twice the amount of syrup than the cake could hold so the rest spilled all over the counter. Will have to keep that in mind for next time 🙂

    That said, the chickens are laying again! 😀

    Going to see if I can get a good source of goat meat. Had it in soup a decade ago and it was wonderful! Went to an overpriced butcher yesterday and saw they had some which is what sparked the memory. 🙂

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2393

    Yeah, I really wish Microsoft wasn’t so hostile towards other operating systems. Running multiple versions of Windows isn’t exactly a very common scenario! 😛

    It does sort of follow what I’m reading in most places, that BCDBoot should be able to just fix things. Going to need to get my courage up: brain surgery is always a difficult business. 😛

    DOS 4.0 was just somewhat open sourced, meant to post it in Software but got distracted. 😛

    There’s also FreeDOS, which I’m sure is useful to some extent.

    Could run Windows in a VM but I’m pretty sure that would only give access to the VM’s sublayer. That and I never did get the hang of using a VM. 😛

    Once things are stabilized, I can go back and finish setting Linux up again and then doing other things to it, such as theming and installing other packages. Don’t want to do too much right now in case I need to reinstall yet again 🙂

    I did look at the possibility of switching bootloaders to either GRUB or rEFInd but it looks like the PopOS maintenance tools are hard coded to expect systemd-boot and things break during an OS upgrade. Not that I’ll be in the bootloader much

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2392

    Ugh. We may need to export some stuff and then do a reinstall to see if that fixes things, importing the posts and settings again afterwards. At the very least, we may want to pester the community again before we do that but I do wonder if anything else exhibits the same weirdness

    in reply to: Hardware Relics #2391

    Have you tried a different outlet on a different circuit? It could be that leg isn’t getting enough current

    Would you have another device to test the UPS with?

    Yeah, I have some not so fond memories of doing that ages ago with my Nvidia GTX 780s. Wasn’t a fun experience 🙁

    So does that mean it’s time for the system to be reincarnated as a Penguin or Devil Dude? 😀

    Really need to try FreeBSD at some point. Would install it on a laptop but they can be a little finicky due to proprietary parts.

    in reply to: All Things Site and Organizational #2385

    So I tried to do some restoration of the home page but there’s a bit of a disconnect from what I build in the WYSIWYG editor and what it spits out, styles not withstanding (those will get fixed up at some point)

    This is what it’s supposed to look like while this is what we get. The post list isn’t being shown even though it is in the page editor.

    Going to look into computer brain surgery next week at the earliest, assuming the steps look okay. Got too much happening this week to try and devote my attention to it but at least Linux is up and running 🙂

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2378

    I did find these guys:

    Do those look reasonable? Definitely looks straight forward enough even if it also has the feel of brain surgery to it

    You are much better at Windows admin than I am. 🙂


    Looks like your link contains nearly the same steps

    Edit 2:

    Looks like the Arch Wiki has some additional information:

    It does look rather ugly. Not a fan of their note not to delete the partition as that was out of my control. The firmware upgrade messed things up to the point that the entire boot system has to be reinstalled

    in reply to: Veg #2376

    Yeah, we have nettles too but not sure which variety. They mostly grow in sandy scrublands here. Often see them near prickly pears (a form of cactus), which are quite tasty. Haven’t seen them in a while, though, but I haven’t been to many sandy woodlands in a while.

    I really need to get a book on wild edibles one day. The bookstore up the street sells them but I just haven’t gotten around to it

    Things do get better with age, I know I do. 😀

    Pickles, soup, stews, the list goes on!

    Yep, gotta watch the goats! My aunt has one at one point. Spoiler alert: it wouldn’t stop butting people (not worth using our spoiler tags for that 😛 )

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2372

    Okay, just did a cursory search and looks like I can simply copy the files from the Windows USB and then run the bootloader repair command in recovery mode (bcedit and such) to link everything back up. Will need to do some more thorough reading of the articles on the computer to make sure but it looks like it shouldn’t be a difficult fix. Of course, we know how that goes. Curse you Murphy! 😛

    Will add everything to the thread assuming I’m successful. Good to have all of this in one place so folks don’t need to hunt. After talking to support, it sounds like they’ll be adding some of my notes to their documentation to help flesh things out 🙂

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2370

    Didn’t even think about it! Just like how I should have invited them to coffee. I’m terrible at this 🙁

    If/when I catch them again, I’ll try to rectify things 🙂

    Sorry, I had almost collapsed from exhaustion. Really not sure if it’s diet related or just not used to having so much going on. Just cracked open a mango so hopefully that helps. I absolutely love mangos 🙂

    Will get to the other posts soonish. Moving slow is all, as per usual lately. 🙂

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2364

    Had to reinstall Linux but that only fixed some of the issues. So the firmware upgrade has caused the device drivers to act slow in the UEFI menu now and in the bootloader. In addition, reinstalling Linux seems to have broken the Windows bootloader (data is still there). That doesn’t even make sense. Guess I need to boot up the Windows USB and see if I can run a repair job then repair the Linux bootloader yet again….

    Hopefully I can get everything back up and running with minimal recovery work. I guess things have changed with how to run a dual-boot system since I last initially set it up years ago. Used to be that you installed Windows first and then Linux and things worked. Granted, that was with GRUB so systemd-boot may be different. It’s also quite possible I missed a step that wasn’t mentioned. I vaguely recall having to copy the EFI image for Windows at some point over the last ten years so I could bring it back over after a Linux install. That’s likely what happened. If so, it’s possible I could simply copy the image from the USB but I’m not entirely sure….

    I think I’ll look more into things another day and read a book today. One problem at a time so I don’t get too overwhelmed. Now that I remember, this is expected behavior. I now recall seeing an option in the past to use existing ESP (wasn’t in the PopOS installer or at least I didn’t see it) so this is something that just slipped my mind as it’s been a long time since I did this kind of juggling. Fortunately, I’ve been keeping good notes in this thread. Unfortunately, all of this is putting added stress on the SSDs that I’d rather avoid but I wasn’t expecting the firmware upgrade to bork things like this.

    To anyone else reading this: forgive me for venting my frustrations! I find it helps to walk through what I’m thinking in problem solving. 🙂

    in reply to: NAS #2362


    Yeah, setting the network option to public turns off the device discovery feature.

    There are a lot of other features buried in there, too. Really don’t know why they haven’t migrated everything to the new Settings area that came with Windows 8. It’s been around for over a decade now, you’d think the migration would be complete 😛

    in reply to: Computer Setup #2359

    I can access the underlying system using chroot from the Live USB. I did take a look at the config files and backed up some of them but not all. Grabbed .config but not .local, probably should go back and do that maybe…

    We’re all just space dust, after all!

    Got a couple of Airmega 1512s and they’re quite nice. Probably need a larger one for the living room, though. 🙂

    They did experiment with cloud connected Furbies so the fears weren’t unwarranted, just a little bit ahead of schedule 😛

    Yep, both of those are quite handy. Be careful with the external dock, though. They make it much easier to accidentally bump the drive and kill it since the drive isn’t held in place as well as it would otherwise be. Killed a couple by accidentally bumping them with my elbow 🙁

    in reply to: The Thread That Broods #2358

    Weird thing happened yesterday when I was hanging out at the game shop: an old friend of mine that I hadn’t seen in fifteen years from a different city just randomly walked in with his dad. He wasn’t even planning to go in the shop and was actually shopping for some work clothes next door but decided to pick up a new game on a sudden whim. Told him he’s more than welcome to hang out when he’s free but no telling if he’ll take me up on it. Still good to see them, though 🙂

    Side note: really exhausted after the last several weeks with everything going on. Thought I was getting my energy back but then got hit pretty hard yesterday. I guess it’s all starting to catch up to me. Not that I let that stop me. I had to do some admin work with Lori once when I wasn’t feeling well and made it work, collapsing in bed afterwards. I try not to let this silly human body stop me. As I mentioned before, I need an upgrade 😛

    in reply to: Hardware Relics #2353

    Glad to hear that’s all working! Yeah, sound can travel in weird ways and can travel along walls. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell where it’s all coming from and it can even be amplified!

    in reply to: MS Teams Biz #2352
    On Bob Marley said


    I can’t access it on any of my devices over here so feel free to do a smash and grab of anything of interest!

    On Bob Marley said


    I can’t access it on any of my devices over here so feel free to do a smash and grab of anything of interest!

    Belay that! For some reason, I can get to some of it on the phone. I did it in airplane mode so that may have something to do with it, keeping it from pinging the servers and being told we’re freeloaders. 😛

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