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    Saw From Beyond yesterday and really enjoyed it but the S&M bits seemed like they were randomly thrown into the mix. It was a weird section.


    Watched The Last House on the Left yesterday and definitely didn’t care for it. It couldn’t decide if it wanted to be something like I Spit on your Grave or a comedy, the result being a bit of a mishmash that didn’t really work well together. If almost felt as if they were laughing at the events on the screen, which was overall a serious plot

    Starting to run out of fun horror films on the larger services so I may need to try the smaller ones soon. Definitely prefer older stuff!


    Watched The Stepfather yesterday and it was fabulous!


      From Beyond
      He’s quite attractive, and it’s on the list!
      Yeah, sometimes there can be too much gross yuck, anything from Hammer (esp. Cushing, Lee, Reed) is worth a gander though. Why not try some from the Thriller series like The Colour of Blood or The Eyes Have It?
      Don’t know how that was missed – Gillian Barber is great in these – on the list! πŸ™‚

      On FTA there is a Nicolas Cage festival, and last night they played Joe, much better than Dog Eat Dog, which, apart from one or two good scenes, was off.


      Will need to see if I can get it! British series are rather hard to tune in to here. πŸ™

      Saw Dolls yesterday and that was a lot of fun. Wasn’t the same level as Puppet Master but still worth it πŸ™‚


        Shame came across as a little too disjointed, off-piste even, there was something missing in the character profile of the protagonist for it to work. But then again, as he is described by the other players as a bit of a weirdo, there’s the B-grade license immediately handed on a platter to the director. A fine film, if given a few extra edit passes. Exactly what content to snip and tweak were far beyond the capabilities of this unseasoned non-professional. πŸ˜›
        Saw Poltergeist (from memory again for the third time), great to watch. What didn’t work was how or why the demonic “beast” which captured Carol Anne did not have anything to do with the restless bodies from the cemetery, at the end. Two seemingly unrelated supernatural phenomena, … or were they after all?
        Of course, not only was the mirror flesh peeling face scene classic, it describes very well how I start up certain mornings. πŸ˜›


        Haven’t been able to watch much on demand lately due to the Internet issues over here so I’ve been catching the horror marathons OTA like they do every year. Caught a lot of the classic Dracula films, The Day the Earth Stood Still, among others πŸ˜€

        Poltergeist has been on the list!

        Speaking of mirror scenes in horror films, I need to rewatch Casper. That was fun!


        Demonic Toys was fun if you like them silly and bad. πŸ˜›


        Finally got around to watching Snow White even though it’s almost 100 years old. I’m late! πŸ˜›

        Anyways! It was rather odd. They made the faces of the two main characters a lot less detailed than any of the secondary ones. Wasn’t much my cup of tea but I also watched the 1951 version of Alice in Wonderland again, which is right up my alley. πŸ™‚

        She broke so many property laws! Destruction of property, breaking and entering (and exiting), trespassing, and theft (why she’d steal and eat/drink stuff without thinking is beyond me).

        The Mad Tea Party was the best part πŸ˜€


          Haven’t seen any of those, was the early one silent? Did any of those movies ever “do justice” to the book, as with Through the Looking Glass, a priceless masterpiece.

          Did happen to see the original Piranha the other day, funny thing is, do now faintly recall seeing it many years ago. Nice one, with plenty of thrills, with respect to such the classification of Comedy Horror is somewhat misleading, Light Horror is a better fit. If you will, the subject and impact of the movie’s horror scenes are portrayed in a somewhat lighter vein.
          The whys and wherefores of the satirical movie Bamboozled came out as somewhat … bamboozling, notably in ways the director and writers had not intended. Do like the ads though:


          Nope, not silent! And in color, too!

          Alice was a combination of both books but mostly the first one. It was really fun! Of course, my mom has always hated it as she never thought that it made any sense πŸ˜›

          I bring you the Mad Tea Party segment:


          Sorry, I couldn’t find a full clip on YouTube of the scene πŸ™

          Saw The New York Ripper the other day and, while pretty graphic, it was really good. Unlike most slashers, it had a really deep and well constructed plot.


            Enjoyed those, the American accents give the characters a new dimension, don’t think the other recreations were quite as good.
            Weird that the reviews are that mixed, one mentioning a clunky plot – go fig! And the “not to be confused with” redirect Psyco Ripper the wrestler, the original Psicosis was born later, and very popular in US wrestling shows back in the day.
            Not many old movies on replay free to air these days, however they are playing some of the original Law & Order shows. The original and best, the pithy plots and witty dialogues tower over the productions in the the other L & O spinoffs, cementing it in as an all time classic of that genre.
            The FTA channels over here have to be taken over by the streaming services, as it looks more and more as if they are set for transitioning to become 24/7 shopping channels, all ~20 of them. Someone help us please. πŸ˜›


            Yeah, it’s weird. Slashers usually have a superficial plot but this one was much better than any I’ve seen in that regard. I also find it interesting that they condemned the reason for the killings as thin.

            On a related note, I have an old memory of my childhood of a story of a serial killer who used to keep his victims’ heads in jars because a voice told him to. Does that ring a bell at all? I can’t recall if it was a book, film, actual event, old wives’ tale, or just a disturbing dream

            Yeah, we’re seeing something similar here. While the national owners of the network plan out reruns at certain times, the local affiliates are doing infomercials instead for those optional blocks so there’s often only twelve hours of actual programming now starting at noon and ending after the late shows around midnight. I miss catching the early morning reruns on weekends πŸ™

            I do like OTA as it means I don’t need to figure out what I’m in the mood for. I wish streaming services would add a random feature. I’ve been wanting one for years!


              Not off the top, there’s a list of movie candidates at this forum, and here’s a bonus horror gag, try and coax ChatGPT et al to come up with a close match!
              At present streaming Vienna Blood, had the impression it was released earlier than it was, very watchable, nothing in it (especially the wishy-washy, yet all too soapy sponging of the protagonists’ internal dramatics) to bowl the critics over, unfortunately.
              Although La Brea got a good panning, there’s something about the threat/soap/hardcore aspect of the delivery that makes for good background noise. The application of “sc-fi” to the genre of the show won’t stick anywhere, except down the tube. πŸ˜›
              Oh, and watched Zombieland through dinner tonight, thus not enjoying it quite as much as one should. πŸ˜›
              Oh, and on FTA there was I Know What You Did Last Summer, engineered specifically and obviously for a setting up a franchise, so a bit formulaic. It so much wanted to be different than previous Slashers, too, so the plot suffers a little – yet holds a nice brew of shocks and surprises that are not conducive to excess froth at the mo’.


              Been a big fan of the site for years. It’s a great way to keep track of some of the more obscure films that I like πŸ˜€

              I only watched the first six episodes or so of La Brea before I gave up on it. Too much just didn’t make sense! For example, the ambulance landed miles away from the portal (how, they never explained) and was still in working order!

              Zombieland was great! Great satire, too, regarding zombie flicks and they even make fun of the infinite ammo trope πŸ˜›

              Forgot about I know what you did last Summer. Need to fix that!

              Speaking of British shows, I need to watch Benny Hill again. That was fun! In fact, there are lots of British shows I need to watch. πŸ˜›

              The science fiction shows they produce are always fabulous, as well. Canada also has a good selection of science fiction. πŸ™‚

              Watched A Christmas Story the other day and it was okay but not exactly my cup of tea. Found it a bit slow moving


                Who wouldn’t climb many a mountain to see Benny Hill? There are plenty of memories of the show, this compilation came up first in Google.
                The Phantom was on FTA tonight, it somehow doesn’t warrant a second viewing, notwithstanding it’s been that long, and the movie flunks out in a rather fun way.
                On Portlandia, there’s a diagnosis of Early Onset Grumpiness:

                Oh, and plugs and things for Outlets, bring them on, plug them in and let them out, as long as they aren’t too short!

                Put a bird on the rest of ’em:


                πŸ˜€ Used to be able to watch The Benny Hill Show on BBC America, wonder where it is now. Will need to find out! Probably BritBox or Acorns TV πŸ˜›

                Yeah, The Phantom wasn’t really my cup of tea either. I always found that sort of thing did better as a radio broadcast but I may perhaps be a bit old fashioned πŸ˜›

                Saw April Fool’s Day the other day and that was fun. πŸ™‚


                  Missed that one, so a few good laughs in it is worth a watch. πŸ™‚
                  Licence to Kill starts off by kicking the rather worn looking plot down the road with gusto, and makes like a standard C grade action film for the first 30 minutes at least. Does improve a bit, and some of the stunts are fabulous:


                  That’s one of the few older Bond films I haven’t seen yet, even though I got the Blu-Ray collection some years back. I really need to catch up on the rest πŸ˜›

                  Saw Jason X the other day and the plot was very cliche but it was still fun to see things in space for the novelty factor. Definitely not a classic or anything but good for a rainy day πŸ™‚


                    On the rainy day watchlist, a handy thing to have in case of the regular watchlist going all sparse of a sudden, unlikely right now as the favourite FTA channel is offering plenty of “new” content. Like this one, Don’t Look Now with Donald Sutherland. The stories by Daphne Du Maurier were very trendy back in the day, this one even gets a mention with the “Daphne Du Maurier midget” in Absolutely Fabulous mentioned in this fine article.
                    Getting 0% on Rotten Tomatoes is reserved only for a select few of movies, including the FTA re-occurrence last night of Death Wish V: The Face of Death. The agonisingly loud and gruesome ends of the villains not being enough to sway the critics, the director who “attempted to insert humor and black comedy elements” gets another gong as there were none to be had.
                    The Nutcracker in 3D might provide visuals to the CD, with a bonus one in a million chance that at least one of the scenes in the movie will synchronise with the appropriate subject matter on the CD. And the additional bonus prize of identifying at least one redeeming feature of the movie to lift it off 0%. Good luck with that! πŸ˜›

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