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    Even though NMS keeps receiving ongoing support, I really wouldn’t mind if it got paid updates if it meant even bigger and better updates.


    Started a new game in NMS (I really need to stay on a single game for more than a few weeks :P) and started in a system with an Earth-like planet. Going to explore it soon now that I need to return to the system and will likely toss a base on it. In another system, there’s a very mountainous desert world that I quite like the aesthetics of. I’ll probably toss a base on that one as well 🙂


    Did some looking and NMS doesn’t include planet cores. They’re just empty space surrounded by bedrock that you can’t dig through. 🙁


      Playing that on Linux or Windows? As you know, Alt3rn1ty had some good tips at AFKMods, he has since moved to a better place, and they’re all now playing Starfield. 😛
      The VBForums account is back, just have to remember the reason for wanting to post there. 😛
      In case the second childhood comes early, Untitled Goose Game invites with dinky theme and gameplay, especially with that wonderful music. 🙂


      Windows at the moment. May try out gaming support on Linux at some point.

      Yep, used to enjoy seeing their NMS posts over there. Starfield is on the wishlist but, from what I gather, it’s a completely different type of game. I’m sure I’ll try it out eventually 😛

      The current expedition in NMS has you bug hunting. It reminds me of fighting the Zerg in StarCraft 😛


      You should probably go ahead and play it. A lot of folks over here rave about it. And if you want something that’s just plain relaxing, here’s another one that folks seem to enjoy 🙂


        While searching through Dostips (mentioned previous page) came across this post:

        DOS is an old operating system. DISK OPERATING SYSTEM. What you mean is batch is old but in reality as far as scripting languages and shells go it is not even as old as CSH or TCSH or Korn for that matter.

        He forgot to mention Thompson on primordial Unix back in ’71. The only recollection of it now is the trusty Abort Retry Fail:
        Abort Retry Fail at Wikimedia
        Hilarious. In that case, the “Tips” in DosTips isn’t Tips at all, maybe stands for “Taken in Playful Sense” or something between pejorative and playful? It’s kind of existential, help them out please. 😛



        Back on my old Mac from the 90’s, we had to perform a system restore at least once a year or it’d crap out. Never did figure out why 😛

        Use Bash myself though I know a lot of people these days love C Shell or even Zsh. Probably need to give C shell a whirl one day. 🙂

        I remember years ago when I was first learning about how computers work I was having trouble on Windows 95 getting the disc drive to work properly with some games. Support had me use XCOPY to copy the disc to the local drive to help diagnose the issue. Can’t remember any details other than that 😛

        And Google is moving Chrome to Manifest V3 so uBlock Origin will no longer function properly. They have a pared down Lite version that will work but it leaves big open spaces in the content where the main version didn’t 🙁


        Rigs of Rods looks like an interesting driving simulator. Depending on how accurate its physics are, it could be a useful training tool. Will need to download it at some point to find out.


          Oh my Zsh looks like a really friendly interface for terminal wrox, with the added bonus of batteries included, they say. 🙂
          Yeah, a spaceship simulator to navigate the wide open parsecs, guess that’s all in NMS – heaps of others around like Universe Sandbox for instance.
          Hibernation has reared its hiber-finicky visage yet again, now N++ will drop loaded files. 🙁

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