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    Looks like the post timestamps aren’t showing up properly when logged out but are fine when logged in. That is to say, a post the occurred hours ago will stay it was posted half an hour ago and won’t change for a day or so. It may have to do with some of the caching settings but I’m not sure. Not a big issue, though, so no big deal if we can’t figure it out easily 🙂


      Is that for your posts only? Does it apply to the last post only, or all posts in the topic? The date/time won’t change after a page refresh? Does repairing the forums in Tools change anything?
      I usually see the dates of the last posts on the forums page where they look to be reasonably consistent.


      It’s on the parts where it says, “Last post was so and so ago” and it occurs with all posts but only when logged out. When I’m logged in, the relative timestamps are updated normally when I refresh. Not occurring now but I’ll try running the tools later when I can properly test it 🙂


        How odd, if it does happen again, troubleshoot the server-side cache by shooting a PM over here so the site cache can be cleared. Else it could be something awry with the client-side caching, an area which isn’t currently under focus (yet).


        Will do 🙂

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