From Go to Blown in Wind’s Woes

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      Thread covering the gamut from go to woe in Windoze blows viz. your favourite Microsoft operating system, being a fan forced palaver rolling in the general direction of a well tempered rig, else by some verbal misstep, breezily blasted into a well borked one! All brought by the recent relocation to the W11 rig, encountering a few emergent speedbumps (outlined below), presently in situ for no definitive purpose other than to make for a light and airy, yet riveting thread, adorning some indeterminate corridor leading deep in the vault.

      No soundcard on the rig yet, so updated the ASUS Realtek drivers as a measure to prevent the device of ever emitting a constant buzz during playback. Happened once, and that’s once too many. The installation (don’t ask from where it originated) dropped the following audio.log file in C::

      [InstallShield Silent]
      File=Log File
      Name=Realtek Audio Driver
      Company=Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

      Happy to know Device Manager reports version 6.0.9363.2, so all good. Though not so good overall, as InstallShield has been on a bit of a downhill run according to this guy. 😛
      On the older rigs, manually disabled all other sound devices in Device Manager, here they would be the AMD HD Audio Device and AMD HD Streaming.

      Booting out of hibernation seems to upset the Network side of things, occasionally there is an alert:

      Network discovery is turned off. Network computers and devices are not visible. Please turn on network discovery in Network and Sharing Center.

      Network Discovery was on. Or this:

      An error occurred while reconnecting : to \\Storage\Home\ Microsoft Windows Network: The local device name is already in use.
      The Connection has not been restored.

      Storage is fine.

      Some rather mysterious “my music” “my pictures” “my videos” were noticed in the User root directory, and in the quick access area. Got an access denied pushback on open, but was able to remove them through explorer.

      At boot, explorer sometimes loses its windows prior to last shutdown, no messages of apology, or consolation, or even a joke! And the explorer windows are very slow to initialise.

      In attempting to diagnose reconnection of ethernet confusion with wifi and event 7023, some troubleshooting guide indicated navigating to C:\inetpub to do something. No such inetpub folder existed there or anywhere else, and for it to be so, IIS had to be installed, explained here. 🙂

      And it so happens OneDrive spits a “There was a problem connecting to OneDrive 0X8004e4d1“, no problem with OneDrive since initial setup at least.


      For the buzzing, I included some tips in the other thread that may help 🙂

      No idea on the network share but have you tried removing the networked device and then readding it? Maybe it’ll clear some cobwebs out. I have to do that with my printer every now and then for Windows to properly pick it up


        The buzzing from the sound chip is more related to a DPC latency thing, happens after playing something in a browser tab, and then switching out to another tab or application.
        Because it happens only rarely, updating the driver may or may not necessarily be the fix. otherwise it’s turning off the AMD devices and disabling hardware acceleration.

        Oh, those messages are emitted during the running of the hibernation wakeup script, which gives more credo to the arguments of the anithibernationists. 🙂
        As a matter of interest, it does take a rather long time for Windows to sort out network issues after the PC has been switched off for months, and strangely, the effects of any human involvement don’t amount to much. Edit: Apart from putting the issue out to hang. 😛

        Edit: Hmmm, the Realtek audio driver in the Windows Catalog is is an older version (6.0.9238.1) to the above, but the zip file ( must have come from somewhere like the ASUS ROGues.
        Funny, the Windows Catalog has a newer version which hasn’t been included in WU yet, and an even newer one at ROGue’s, which links on to the protected content at My Digital Life. 😛

        • This reply was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by DeVaultSetter.

        Sorry for missing this! Know it’s been six weeks but any luck yet?

        Speaking of, I need to get my own drivers updated at some point, specifically the video drivers. Been a ton of updates since I got the new system and I haven’t been keeping up. 😛


          Funny thing about this, we say nothing if things are fine, and become very loud if they are not.
          Yep, video drivers updates used to be weird, MS preferred to handle them “automatically”, the video driver folk were always wont find something to complain about WU, and in many cases, justifiably so. Things have settled somewhat since then. 🙂


          Yeah, I remember how Windows used to overwrite my newer video drivers with some that were several years old. It broke things when it did that! 😛 Fortunately, it seems that Microsoft has fixed that issue 🙂

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        Home Forums Discussion From Go to Blown in Wind’s Woes