Home Forums Forum ERR_CACHE_MISS

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      Getting this now on refresh of the forums page after starting the Edge browser, (already logged in). Clearing the page cache and refreshing the page won’t repro.


        This also happens on retrieval of a page with unposted text, or in rare situations (think gremlins) when the posting fails. The text may be retrieved with View Cache Data for Chrome, or a slightly different way in Edge.


          Another odd related issue from MS Edge, an incredible disappearing tab.
          A notable side-effect is the exception is not posted to any subcategory of Windows Events Logs, and the tab URL will not not show up in browser History. Used ChromeCacheView to search for any unposted text in the forum page, nothing.


          Have you tried Firefox? It uses a different rendering engine than Safari/Edge/Chrome etc so it may help isolate the problem. I haven’t had the issues myself with Chrome but it could be something related to how other software is interacting with the browser


            Thanks. It happened at least once going back some time ago now. Not easy to pin down, so a different browser is a good idea. 🙂


            Another thing to try would be to see if it exists in another WebKit/Blink-based browser. Since I don’t get it in Chrome, it could very well be an uncaught exception or some other bug in Edge


              In toying with the idea of peeping under the hood re the caching system used, typed in a block of text as a reply to some topic without posting it. To determine if it was cached, found no updates at all when filtering Stearn in ChromeCacheView (sorting LastAccessed). If the test was not setup correctly, might be a question for the WP or SO forums.


              Yeah, I haven’t the foggiest idea

              Sorry, had been a bit busy with stuff around the home so I was a bit too pooped to get a whole lot of site work done

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            Home Forums Forum ERR_CACHE_MISS