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Yep! 😀

I usually go west since there are a lot fewer people 😛

In terms of quality, I think the East coast has better quality personally. 🙂

The one I went to the other day had interesting facilities. They hadn’t yet rebuilt it from the hurricane a few months ago so the facilities were still in the marshlands, upside down. Pretty hard to use them 😛

As a result, the beach was empty of buildings! Was quite nice 🙂

Yay! 😀 Sometimes get similar things when I need to work with Microsoft’s software (including Windows). After almost 40 years, you’d think they’d have it figured out by now!

I miss hidden secrets in games where you had to perform a very specific set of tasks in order to unlock them. For example: in Super Smash Brothers Melee, you had to finish the adventure course with a certain digit on the clock to unlock Luigi. In Dungeon Siege, you had to have a specific weapon at a certain point in the game to unlock the chicken room. Those were a lot of fun!