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    We really need to get this thread going again!

    To start off, I’ve got a single block of cream cheese leftover from when I made cheesecake a few weeks ago. The question is, what to make?


      Love scones! Apricot might make for a good flavour combination:Apricot Scones!
      The recipe also suggests a lower protein flour – very good idea!
      Called my neighbours up to collect a bunch of ripe/ning persimmons I harvested 10 days ago. They suggested the best recipe was persimmon muffins. Yum! They kindly brought some plum jam and pickles, which I know for a fact will be excellent. 🙂


      Ooh, looks scrumptious! I have everything but the apricots. Will check the store for them! 🙂

      I really do need to add a low protein flour to my cupboard. Would probably greatly improve the piecrusts!

      Definitely! A few years ago, I was gifted some guava jelly and that was fabulous!

      In the past, I’ve made what I call apple biscuits by taking a piecrust recipe and simply adding some baking powder to it and then wrapping the apple pieces inside. Turns out great! Sort of like dumplings but with more body 🙂


      And they turned out great! Will definitely make them again! 🙂


      Been meaning to say that I made duck soup the other week! No Marx Brothers were harmed!

      It was very good. It consisted of duck, duck broth, mushrooms, noodles, rice wine, rice vinegar, soy sauce, and chili oil. Incredibly easy!


        Fabulous, definitely like some of that over with warm garlic/onion/herb bread to help it down. Groucho’s Note: Beware that too much duck broth means duck breath!
        Neighbour is a cattle farmer, so brought over some oxtails, have about just enough for a delicious oxtail soup!


        Great! Never had oxtail before. Closest I’ve had has been lamb neck, which is not at all close 😛

        What did you put in it?


        Finally got around to ordering another cookbook: The Cake Bible. Should be here sometime next week!


        Several years ago, scientists found that yeast from bread in the pyramids was still living after thousands of years. Of course, they made bread from it to see what would happen 😛

        I’ll see if I can dig up the article!


          Oh, do forgive the lateness, oxtails of course – although folks are starting to call them beef tails. Does beef really have a tail, as is the original name wrong, though as it is oft said, better the devil you know. 😛 Nice with plenty of lentils, onion, sage and spice – and then anything you like. 🙂
          Has the Bible arrived, and will Chapter 1 have the account of the genesis of all the ingredients used in the book, in seven days?
          Hmmm, could it be cursed in some way, so that whoever consumes the bread is very speedily transformed into a mummy?


          From my understanding, beef is the meat so calling it beef-tail would imply that your steak has a tail coming out of it. 😛

          Sounds delicious!

          Yep, got it! The ingredients and equipment discussion are actually in the back right before the index. And after the technical discussion about how everything interacts. Weird placement! After the forward, it has twenty pages or so of pictures of selected cakes in the book and then dives right in with the recipes after a few pages of basic tips on how to work with the various cake types. Looking forward to trying them out! Need to pick up some ingredients, though. I haven’t made a cake since the ingredient shortages started a couple years ago. I had switched to more economical goods like muffins and the like so I could stretch them further.

          Here you go! Or a bread mummy! But bread’s mummy is really wheat and yeast. Which one is dad? It’s a good question!


          Started trying out the cake recipes and they’re turning out amazing! For the holidays, I made a chocolate layer cake with chocolate raspberry frosting and it was delicious!


            The beef tails have become a kind of speciality in recent times, so not available through the convenience shelves as much as before. Thus, we plebs will have to make do with the tailings instead. 😛
            The question of bread parenthood extending to daily motions – (the son sets in the west, but rises in the yeast) – is a complex one and is best leavened to beaver!
            This penman was a mean muffin minion who once flew by the spread laid on those moorish muffins, became unknown; once muffed, twice miffed, for the making of munificent muffins in miraculous manifold ways is no more!
            If there is not any indication in the above correspondence that gives rise to the burgeoning talents of a certain patissier in the neighbourhood, I’m a country pumpkin!


            We have a local grocery store that sells everything, including tubs of lard that can’t be found in regular grocery stores. I can also get produce there that I can’t get anywhere else, such as bitter melon. Only store in town that sells rhubarb 😀

            Big fan of bran muffins here. I usually make them with flaxseed meal instead of eggs and they’re delicious! Unless you mean raised muffins. Very much like them but every time I make them I wind up scorching them 😛

            Mixer’s on the fritz, sadly. I have a KitchenAid and the new ones use nylon gears and such and I think they’re starting to wear down. Having some issues where they won’t catch properly 🙁


              We have a shop that presents a partial self service affair of storage bins containing grains, nuts, dried fruit and the like. Competitive pricing as well, got 1kg of rooibos tea at a discount recently.
              What about Bakeking for inspiration? Here’s a scary one:


              I love the bulk aisles! They even sell spices in bulk, which is nice. Recently, I’ve been experimenting with grinding my grains to make flour and it tastes quite different from the store bought flour but in a good way! 🙂

              Cool! Probably a bit involved for my decorating skills but amazing! I’ve seen cakes made up like steaks, sandwiches, and more! Always enjoy watching them come together!


                Haven’t seen bitter melon down here, could get it to grow against the wall of the house on a trellis, being an annual vine it will require a fair complement of water and nutrient to get it fruiting though. 🙂
                Have the parts for the mixer come through yet? It can be heartbreaking to discard an old and trusty friend just because it’s gone in the gears. 🙁
                A rather cheesy interpretation of the age-old question how many bananas go in a daquiri:



                Been too cold for the chickens to produce eggs so I haven’t had the chance to test it again yet. Hopefully it was a one off but we shall find out!

                Hmm, may need to try stir-frying bitter melon and see how that goes. Could be an interesting experiment!


                Bananas are good!


                So far, The Cake Bible has been a big success. Haven’t had a single failure thus far. Sometime soon, I plan on getting a decorating plunger so that I can look at more involved aspects. 🙂

                Made a sponge cake the other week and it turned out great. Only problem was that the recipe called for twice the amount of syrup than the cake could hold so the rest spilled all over the counter. Will have to keep that in mind for next time 🙂

                That said, the chickens are laying again! 😀

                Going to see if I can get a good source of goat meat. Had it in soup a decade ago and it was wonderful! Went to an overpriced butcher yesterday and saw they had some which is what sparked the memory. 🙂


                Found a source! Our small, locally owned grocery store carries it! 🙂

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              Home Forums Discussion Cooking