The TCG Thread

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    At some point, this may be a candidate for the public forums (or even a public companion thread) but let’s kick it off.

    I last really played fifteen years ago and have been working hard to modernize my deck for the past year but success has been somewhat mixed. It seems the game has changed significantly over the last fifteen and has gotten exceedingly complex and playing catch up is taking a lot of effort. I may be on the homestretch, though, and may be able to complete the modernize with a few structure decks. If that doesn’t work, I’m leaning towards playing the format that uses the 2008 rules and cards while I catch up at my pace instead of trying to push it all through

    Over time, this thread should become more than this sort of thing (hopefully!). Presumably, a lively discussion on TCGs will form but this is just to kick things off. πŸ™‚


    Card Databases:

    Fan Formats:

    For collectors, here is a short list of the most popular grading services:

    Something to note with grading: if the card game is actively played, then grading may not be as beneficial as grading the card prevents it from being played (the grading service seals the card up), decreasing interest in the graded version.


      As it was my impression some of gaming houses that ran Magic, The Gathering were run by a bunch of creeps, never got into them, although Jyhad is a scream. Nowadays, there seems to be a set of more definitive rules in PokΓ©mon, good if there is a venue nearby to try them out, otherwise surf online.. For my benefit at least, here’s a video on the basics:


      I tried Magic a few years back but I couldn’t get into it either

      Jyhad looks interesting, will need to ask around and see if there’s much of an interest for it here. Failing that, there may be an add-on for Tabletop Simulator πŸ™‚

      I do have some old Pokemon cards but I never did attempt to play it (Yugioh is more my area but, sadly, the local community here comes and goes making it difficult to play consistently) but could be worth a try.

      I do play online some but I like playing in person so that I can be around people since there’s few other ways for me to socialize around here. Not exactly a good town for it and our transportation system isn’t very good. With the way the bus routes are, it’d take me two hours just to get downtown (same as walking) πŸ™

      Anyways! Bemoaning the lack of things to do is deviating from the purpose of the thread. That and I moan about it too much anyways…. πŸ˜›

      Eventually, I do need to figure out a better way of keeping track of my cards. Been toying with the idea of entering them into a database (used to keep them in a spreadsheet years ago) but maybe that’s overkill?


      Making some progress on modernizing things. Got a few structure decks the other day but I haven’t really had much opportunity to look through things and determine which singles I need. Still haven’t come up with an organizational standard yet, either πŸ˜›

      Been playing Blackwings online in Master Duel and they’re quite fun! I try to pull out Full Armor Master early to provide protection while I’m sorting through the opponent’s play style to decide on my next move. If they’re using effect heavy monsters, I pull out Black-Winged Assault Dragons to create a chain reaction of damage! Each time an effect activates, they do 700 points of damage each. In some decks that rely on effect loops, the result is quite devastating! πŸ™‚


      Decided to pivot a bit and use a deck similar to what I use online. Didn’t look at it carefully before I ordered it, though, so it’s a bit haphazard meaning I’ll probably need to tweak it some later. Its strategy is a bit of a mishmash instead of being steady (too many Tuners from the looks of it) but we’ll see how it goes before I sit down and work on fixing it. Had trouble finding much regarding a modern deck for Blackwings so I mostly just picked one. They’re still popular and viable but decklists for them don’t seem to be popular, other than for the Edison format, which is kind of strange.

      Figure it’s better than struggling to fix up my other somewhat crummy decks that’ll never be truly up to snuff for modern play. At least Blackwings can be updated!


      Just realized I probably could have taken an Edison deck and updated it with modern cards. Whelp, too late to worry about it now! πŸ˜› Based on my figuring, I should be able to make it more viable with about 4 card changes though πŸ™‚


      Now that things have started to arrive, it definitely looks like it could use some work. But that’s okay! I had planned to modernize the snot out of it anyways πŸ˜› It also gives me a starting point as I have a hard time following the effects by reading them on a screen, I do better when I’m looking at a physical card. Once they’ve finished arriving, I’ll have a better idea of what I need to do to fix it up. πŸ™‚


        They closed down online TCG and replaced it with TCG live, which is pretty much the same thing, and doesn’t seem to be all that popular in any event. Is it possible to transfer physical sets to the online games?
        Totally baffled, after this search on Steam, nothing looks much like Pokemon at all. Funny, the best card games don’t include the classic deck 1-10 and jack-Ace any more, – not even Bridge!


        It used to be back in the GBA era (you used to be able to type in the ID from the card to import it) but they got rid of that feature for both Yugioh and Pokemon when they transitioned to online play. I guess they figured that it would give folks too much of a leg up

        Yeah, none of those are even remotely similar πŸ˜› Granted, Epic Battle Fantasy was fun back in the Flash game era. Tabletop Simulator has a lot of classics! And you can download more!

        So links!

        For Pokemon, we’ve got TCG Live, as mentioned. Haven’t tried it myself, though

        For Yugioh, we have both Duel Links and Master Duel. In both cases, they differ from the physical card game due to having slightly different card selections and ban lists (it’d make more sense to keep things consistent but they didn’t ask me πŸ˜› ). In the case of Duel Links, it’s a condensed version of the game to help introduce people to the game


        Version 1.0 of the Black Wing deck I found online has arrived. I found some more issues with it as I was assembling it. It turns out that a few of the extra deck monsters are impossible to bring out so I’ll tag them for a rework. Already made some tweaks to it so I’ll take a closer look at things when I get the chance and see what else it needs. πŸ™‚

        It’s interesting: while I’m a decent programmer, I have a lot of trouble actually doing anything on computers and related devices. Most of it comes from an inability to focus on the screen (this has always been an issue, especially when watching films). Even when coding, I need to write it out on paper first before typing it up. That’s part of why I run so many analysis tools when I pick up a project from someone else. Would say more about the digital transition but that’s a topic for another thread!

        Anyways! While the card database is helpful, it’s difficult for me to come up with a coherent strategy unless I have the physical cards. Playing online is okay but I have times when I simply can’t focus and screw up royally (no offense to royalty!). πŸ˜› Definitely have fewer issues with the physical game πŸ™‚

        Side note: I really need a new programming project. Beginning to feel up to coding again πŸ™‚


          Are they the monsters on this page? Round about 64 cards in total, do you have extras? To edit them, it’s probably just a question of using an image editor like, printing is a different question altogether- get a printshop that can do a light laminate job depending on what you want.


          Sort of. Those are older from about ten years ago, been working on a more modern version. So far, I’ve been using this list as a boiler plate. So far, I’m probably at version 1.1.1. Starting to get an idea of what other cards I want to swap out but I’ll have a better handle on it once I get some play time in with it. πŸ™‚

          And they should call them creatures instead of monsters! They’re not all “monsters”. Quite a few of them are quite human πŸ˜›


          Sorry, forgot to include the current forbidden list:

          It’s noticeably different from the Japanese and digital versions of the game. Really don’t know why they don’t have the same limitations across the board. It’d make more sense!

          And the international tournament is even weirder: it’s a weird mashup of both TCG (Europe and the Americas) and OCG (Asia) rulings and limited lists. πŸ˜›


          Organizing the collection is a pain in the butt but it needs to be done so that I can find everything! But ugh. πŸ˜›


          That has got to be an easier way of sorting. What I’ve been doing is picking a card theme and then individually going through every card, pulling out the ones that fit said theme. Afterwards, I sort the theme to my preferences. Finally, I pull out all of the duplicates I don’t need, keeping the duplicates organized, and put them in a single bulk storage container (decided on using cheap deck boxes for ease of transport and so I don’t need to pay a lot of shipping as the shop doesn’t stock small card storage boxes) for later use.

          Maybe it’d be easier if I did a rough sort of each storage group before pulling everything together? I really should have done this years ago πŸ™


          Went ahead and moved this thread to the public area πŸ™‚


          Over the course of the last few months, it looks like the seed for the random number generator in Master Duel is set on load instead of being randomized before each round. Could be wrong and just be incredibly unlucky but I have had days where I get awesome hands each round for the session and other days where I get zilch each time. Generally, this pattern means the seed isn’t changing. It gets rather frustrating as you can generally predict how things are going to go after the first few rounds. It’s also a weird design choice for a card game


            A big (TCG) welcome to the public arena! πŸ™‚
            There’s mention here of the differences of Master Duel with TCG and OCG, is it aligned to one more than the other, or indeed enough for a separate MDCG category?
            In expanding the discussion a little, while (not really) a follower of Tarot, this one has a very nice thematic set, in fact something like Tarot journalling for PokΓ©mon sounds like a great idea for a mod.
            Can’t go past the Dungeons & Dragons Tarot Deck, and for those in tropical places lucky enough to grow delicious taro, Taro Cards is the go to deck, unfortunately no preview as it is WIP, the upside is a mailbox on provided on that page for expressions of interest. πŸ™‚
            Go Taro! πŸ˜›


            Master Duel is mostly based on the OCG rulings and ban list but has since evolved to include bits of the TCG ones and even its own so a lot of people consider it its own format now. I will say that when they banned Maxx “C” for a few days, the game was a lot more fun. It’s a really broken card. Essentially, it lets you draw a card whenever your opponent special summons and with the current game being almost entirely based on special summons, the opponent gets to draw at least ten cards in your turn, letting them pull everything they need to stop you when you get going then win immediately in their turn and potentially cancel out your Maxx “C” with something like Sales Ban (lets you forbid your opponent from using a specific card for one turn at the expense of you not being allowed to use it for the rest of the game)

            Yeah, the themes often align with some other things. They have quite a few cards that put the anime characters in the game and other cool stuff.

            Been meaning to get a Tarot deck at some point partly for the novelty of it. Cool! Could also be fun for a cook! πŸ˜€


              Does that mean that by the time a Maxx “C” is drawn, and the opponent has already summoned 6 monsters, you get to draw 6 cards while he draws none? Surely the nomination of the Maxx “C” card on the play of the “Sales Ban” should be illegal if you have already used it?
              Get ads on FTA and elsewhere for “Scarlet and Violet” TCGs like this one. Not sure if that is exactly the same one, either way they are very popular. πŸ™‚


              Not exactly. After Maxx “C” is activated, whenever the other player summons a monster then the player who activated Maxx “C” draws a card. So: Summon -> Other Draws -> Summon -> Other draws rinse and repeat. If they draw Sales Ban, then you’re essentially out of luck with drawing during their turn as they’ll likely have other cards that’ll lock you down since their hand is likely now 15 at least instead of the usual 5 that you start with. Interestingly, Sales Ban is hardly used at all even though its effect is rather powerful. I haven’t used it myself but I may add it in to a deck just to see if it can be useful to counter other staple cards that are in fact legal over here in the TCG regions πŸ™‚

              Over here in TCG realm, a lot of folks have been calling for Maxx “C” to be banned in Master Duel (it’s not legal in the physical version of TCG, just the OCG) as it can be such a problematic card, sucking the fun out of the online game. They could fix the card by limiting how many cards it’ll let you draw, say maxing out at 3, but I’m not sure they’re so inclined. :shrug:

              Pot of Greed is banned, interestingly enough, in all formats and that only lets the turn player draw 2. Unbanning it would actually be a good way to balance Maxx “C” without changing any card text

              We used to see ads on the tele for Pokemon sets all the time, too, but haven’t seen any in several years. Not sure why. We also used to see video games more often and toy commercials. The board game ads were especially fun seeing the concept renditions πŸ˜€

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            Home Forums Discussion The TCG Thread