No Bullets or Numbers for UL, OL

Home Forums Forum No Bullets or Numbers for UL, OL

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  • #731
        Unordered List
        Unordered List
        Unordered List
        Unordered List
        Ordered List
        Ordered List
        Ordered List
        Ordered List

      Edit: Possible fix from this thread:

      #bbpress-forums ul.bbp-replies .reply-content-bubble ol {
      list-style: decimal;
      padding-left: 20px;
      margin-bottom: 20px;

      #bbpress-forums ul.bbp-replies .reply-content-bubble ol li {
      list-style: inherit;

      #bbpress-forums ul.bbp-replies .reply-content-bubble ul {
      list-style: disc;
      padding-left: 20px;
      margin-bottom: 20px;

      #bbpress-forums ul.bbp-replies .reply-content-bubble ul li {
      list-style: inherit;

      Originally thought that OL UL would operate around a block of text separated by carriage returns rather than each line. This would have made nesting of OL UL blocks workable, and easier to apply.


      Each item in a list needs to be denoted with the list item tag. The list type tags contain them and are only used once.

      • test
      • test



        Oops, didn’t refresh the page, in any case the edit there looks to have turned out to be rather redundant. 😛
        Forgot clean about the LI, thanks. 🙂
        Still, dispensing with the LI button, and replacing the UL button with something like this code might be more usable:

        <ul> <li>Unordered item</li> <li>Unordered item</li> <li>Unordered item</li> <li>Unordered item</li> </ul>

        The above-mentioned nesting hopefully works a bit better with something like this:

        		<li>Unordered item</li>
        		<li>Unordered item</li>
        		<li>Unordered item</li>
        		<li>Unordered item</li>

        When trying to make nested lists, the UI pukes. Instead of creating a new list tag, it wants to close the main list. So one needs to manually type in the tag structure if they want to make a nested list. Annoying!

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      Home Forums Forum No Bullets or Numbers for UL, OL