Legend of Zelda

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    Finally getting this topic up. Sorry for the delay!

    Tears of the Kingdom is a lot of fun. The big features are being able to move things around and building objects with things in the game world as you like. It also expands on the explorable areas of Breath of the Wild. Not only do you have Hyrule but you also have the Depths and the Sky so you have a lot to do!

    Still very early in the game and it’s quite punishing but it’s getting better as I gather more gear. They have made quite a few UI improvements, too, over BotW. For instance, you can quickly change your weapon without going into the full equipment menu.

    I’ll have more to say as I play, surely!


      Zelda is getting better all the time it seems. Over here the ABC State Channel runs a weekly game review show mainly for kiddies, but adult kiddies like yours truly get a buzz out of it as well. This is their review of it – not region blocked over there at all?

      Honestly, it’s looking more and more like the game of the decade, what a shame they aren’t going to have a port for other platforms.


      Nope, not region locked! Will check it out!

      It’s really good, much better than the the previous game. They even filled some plot holes that they created, such as why the Rito and Zora exist together when the former evolved from the latter.

      I was working on getting some chests I missed yesterday in the starter area but wound up falling after grabbing them to the wrong part of the map. I could have fast traveled back but meh. I wound up landing close to a village so I’ll just go ahead and spend the hour or so trekking to it so I can unlock it before I go back to the first dungeon. 😛

      Unlike the first game, a lot of things don’t unlock unless you do at least one dungeon first. Was working on that before I took a break to grab the chests after being launched into the sky. I have a hard time landing where I want during the launches and often wind up a region away 😛

      Yeah, Nintendo mostly just develops for their own systems outside of a few mobile games. It would be nice on the computer but I can understand their reasoning.


      So one part of the game has you building a catapult to launch yourself across a large gap. It was a blast! I wonder what the limit is on catapult size. Only one way to find out! 😀


      So Amazon sent me an update on the guide book pre-order: “We’re sorry for the inconvenience but the item is now releasing a week earlier.” 😛


      Decided to go ahead and work on the first dungeon so that I can unlock more of the game. It’s very annoying! It’s a lot of platforming in the sky and if you mistime or misjudge a glide then you have to go back to the beginning and repeat. With more stamina, it wouldn’t be an issue but they want you to do this one before anything else. I really dislike platforming over pits like this 😛


      Got through the Wind Temple yesterday. That should unlock the rest of the game. After I determine what has been unlocked, I’ll start exploring and doing the side quests. 🙂


      Been making excellent progress! I’ve been focused on unlocking the main towns for gear restocks and have also started unlocking the Great Fairies to upgrade my gear. Been exploring the depths as well but I’m still not geared up enough to do well down there 😛

      One of the side quests has you tracking down a herd of runaway goats 😛


      So there’s a side quest that takes you back to the starting area from Breath of the Wild. The area has undergone some changes though: it’s now filled with with very high level enemies and is quite dangerous! Of course, I’m still exploring it 😀


        A game that brings one back to the start like that wins a special place in this gamer soul. 🙂
        Here are some top tips from GGSP a player half way through the game is guaranteed not to watch. 😛



        Most of the special landmarks in the area have been taken over by the enemy! We need some spoiler tag support or similar 😛

        I’m currently trying to liberate the Old Man’s hut, which is a bit difficult. The Yiga clan has barricaded the area so you’re fighting in a cramped space. I’ll drive them out! Just going to take a few lives! 😛


        Mostly cleared and explored that area! Still need to find the last shrine and complete the other one, which I’ll do later. Just wasn’t in the mood for it 😛

        I love how hidden cave entrances are now marked with Blupees (a blue spirit/rabbit thing that gives money when struck). Makes it much easier to explore!

        And I got the Hylian shield! It was incredibly easy: all I did was summon a boat and then lit a pyre. Voila!


        I’ve been attempting to penetrate the secrets of the Depths lately. There’s not a whole lot to go on but I’m beginning to think they’re the games’ version of the Underworld. We know a long lost civilization mined from them but how they transported the materials to the Surface isn’t explained (yet). The layout directly mirrors the layout of the Surface with key locations having an analogue and the Goddess Statues on the Surface are represented in the Depths by Bargainer Statues, which gather up souls. On that note, the region is filled with Poe’s which are the series’ ghosts and has altars and temples scattered throughout. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I believe that these represent fallen comrades and the like. Monsters are also much less in number while Gloom covers most of the region. More research is definitely required!


        Taking out a Hinox becomes insanely easy with the Biggoron Sword (base attack of 36) fused with a good material and it’s very easy to acquire. In the middle of Skull Lake in Akkala, there’s a chasm that takes you to the House of Bones. After you take down the Stalnox and other skeletons, the chest opens and gives you the sword. Then you can buy them with Poes from Bargainer Statues 🙂

        It should also be useful for taking down the Stone Talus by fusing it with a blunt material, giving you a high-powered hammer


        The Lightning Temple was a lot of fun. It had this whole Egyptian pyramid motif with traps and such and even included some Indiana Jones references. It had you running away from a boulder down a tunnel and instead of the snake chamber it had a gibdo chamber 😀

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