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The series currently screamed is Bang!, comes with a slow burning drag on for a bit too long kind of vibe, watchable though. There is a bug in the streaming channel where the option for (English) subscripts doesn’t work if there is multilingual content, fortunately there is not a lot of (English) mumbling so we are good.
The critics were rather harsh with Year One, perhaps rightly so. Things move at pace, the dialogue isn’t all that bad, the film length is mercifully short, and you might get a sense they had fun doing it.
One of the related links on the Wikipedia SCP page was CreepyPasta, with a lead onto Channel Zero. Hope that makes it over here!
And, in chatting with Mum tonight, she recalled Donovan’s Brain with Orson Welles, one that never got around to the FTA channels here either, consequently all memories of it vanished over the horizon. Right now, high priority in the viewing list. 🙂
Note BBPress clams it recognizes Wikimedia webm format, but will not embed the trailer video here apparently.