Theme Issues

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    Do to circumstances beyond our control, everyone has probably noticed that the site is a little hard to read at the moment. Everyone will be thrilled, absolutely thrilled, that I’ve identified the issue and am actively working to fix it. Hopefully it won’t take too long but the changes I need to sync are strange so we’ll find out. No applause yet. Save it for the end, when you can also ask questions. And don’t forget to bring a llama. Llamas are fun.


    Thanks to the llamas, everything should be back to normal. Please give a holler if anything else is out of whack, save for the ongoing theme work. Well, you could holler about that but it is ongoing so it’s a good way to get a sore throat. Also, you may want to holler if you find yourself suddenly without a parachute while falling over the Pacific Ocean. Probably a good idea.


      Thanks for the heads up. 🙂
      If ever you find yourself in that above-mentioned predicament of free fall flurry, feel free to holler and theme while you plummet and corkscrew, knowing full well there will not only be rapturous applause, but it will be accompanied by the keen realization it will be generated somewhere else, and for someone else most likely more deserving!

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