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    Do recall Ad Astra on FTA here some years back- it’s bound to make a re-appearance sometime.
    Really that bad? Most of the FTA streaming sections boast a comprehensive line-up of goodies, old and new, it’s the migration over to Fetch that has uncovered bugs that make streaming more screaming than ever before. A lot of it appears to be on the Fetch side, which seems to indicate they are in thrall of the big commercial streaming companies.
    Doesn’t harm to check the DVDs in the hand-me-down stores from time to time, last month someone here donated seasons 1-9 of Futurama!
    Rocket fuel came up recently in Random, how about the spice they use in Dune? The film runs at a steady, regal pace, weaving in much detail from the novel into the panoramic and immersive experience. One of the critics said she didn’t appreciate the jokes. Huh? Nothing in there was LOL, in fact not even a grin emerged for this countenance, as methinks it was not the purpose of the direction. Never got the feeling MENA actors were absent either, a thing more attributed to individual interpretation and understanding of casting and characterization. A thing most viewers wouldn’t feel the urge to worry about too much after watching a film like Dune. 🙂